Table 1.
First author, year | Attributable study name | Original sample size | Maternal height | Maternal pre-pregnancy weight | Maternal weights during pregnancy | Gestational age at weight measurements | Number of pregnancy weight measures | Available outcomes |
Schmidt, 200134 | EBDG | 5,578 | Measured | Self-reported | Pregnant booklet/medical records | Calculated according to the standardb | 14 | Birth information |
Padilha, 200935 | MERJ | 1,450 | Measured | Self-reported | Pregnant booklet/medical records | Already calculated in the data set | 1 | Birth information |
Nunes, 201036 | ECCAGe | 716 | Measured | Self-reported | Pregnant booklet/medical records | Calculated according to the standardb | 17 | Birth information |
Zhang, 201137 | EPRG | 10,331 | Measured | Not useda | Interview and medical records | Calculated according to the standardb | 2 | Birth information |
Marano, 201238 | PQ | 1,679 | Measured | Self-reported | Pregnant booklet | Calculated according to the standardb | 12 | Birth information, PPCW, PPCL |
Santos-Neto, 201239 | RMGV | 1,035 | Measured | Self-reported | Pregnant booklet/medical records | Calculated using LMP date | 19 | Birth information |
Sato, 201240 | SP1 | 228 | Measured | Not collected | Pregnant booklet/medical records | Calculated using LMP date | 9 | Birth information (no sex) |
Carvalhaes, 201341 | SP2 | 212 | Measured | Self-reported | Pregnant booklet | Calculated according to the standardb | 13 | Birth information |
Farias, 201342 | RJ | 299 | Measured | Self-reported | Measured in the visits | Calculated according to the standardb | 4 | Birth information |
Figueiredo, 2013c | BA1 | 654 | Measured | Self-reported | Pregnant booklet | Already calculated in the data set | 1 | BW |
Santana, 201343 | ProcriAr | 357 | Measured | Self-reported | Measured in the visits | Calculated according to the standardb | 3 | Birth information, PPCW, PPCL |
Fernandes, 201444 | MEPel | 210 | Measured | Self-reported | Pregnant booklet/medical records | Already calculated in the data set | 2 | Birth information |
Martinelli, 201445 | ES1 | 742 | Measured | Self-reported | Pregnant booklet/medical records | Calculated using LMP date | 18 | Birth information |
Polgliani, 201446 | ES2 | 360 | Measured | Self-reported | Pregnant booklet/medical records | Calculated using LMP date | 19 | Birth information |
Carvalhaes, 2015c | CLaB | 656 | Measured | Self-reported | Pregnant booklet/medical records | Already calculated in the data set | 2 | Birth information, PPCW, PPCL |
Magalhaes, 201547 | BA2 | 328 | Measured | Self-reported | Measured in the visit | Calculated using LMP date | 1 | BW |
Chagas, 201748 | BRISA | 1,447 | Measured | Self-reported | Measured in the visits | Calculated according to the standardb | 1 | Birth information, PPCW, PPCL |
Mastroeni, 201749 | PREDI | 435 | Measured | Self-reported | Measured | Already calculated in the data set | 1 | Birth information, PPCW |
Morais, 201750 | SP3 | 849 | Measured | Not collected | Pregnant booklet/medical records | Already calculated in the data set | 16 | BW |
Hallal, 201851 | Pelotas | 4,329 | Measured | Self-reported | Pregnant booklet | Already calculated in the data set | 15 | Birth information, PPWR, PPCW, PPCL |
Morais, 201852 | SP4 | 2,069 | Measured | Self-reported | Pregnant booklet | Already calculated in the data set | 2 | BW, BL |
Names of studies are derivated from acronyms and abbreviations from Portuguese: EBDG; Estudo Brasileiro do Diabetes Gestacional (Brazilian Study of Gestational Diabetes); MERJ Maternidade-escola, Rio de Janeiro, ECCAGe Estudo do Consumo e Comportamento Alimentar na Gestação, EPRG Estudos Perinatais de Rio Grande, PQ Petrópolis e Queimados, RMGV Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória, SP1 São Paulo 1, SP2 São Paulo 2, RJ Rio de Janeiro, BA1 Bahia 1, ProcriAr cohort conducted in São Paulo, MEPel Maternidade-escola, Pelotas, ES1 Espírito Santo 1, ES2 Espírito Santo 2, CLaB Coorte de Lactentes de Botucatu, BA2 Bahia 2, BRISA birth cohort in São Luís, Maranhão,PREDI PREDIctors of maternal and infant excess body weight—PREDI Study, SP3 São Paulo 3, Pelotas Pelotas 2015 birth cohort, SP4 São Paulo 4. Birth information (It includes gestational age, BW birth weight, BL birth length and sex); PPWR postpartum weight retention, PPCW postpartum child weight, PPCL postpartum child length, LMP last menstrual period.
aself-reported + information copied from the booklet—not used because it was not possible to identify if it was self-reported or not.
bStandard: ultrasound estimated age if ultrasound was performed before 24 weeks, LMP date if ultrasound was not available.
cNot published study.