RNA-seq data showing expression of factors from the IPA sildenafil response pathway (A) and Nicotine degradation pathways (B) in metastatic v. primary tumor tissue. (C) Max Serum (Cmax) of sildenafil 1hr post IP injection of 10 mg/kg sildenafil (each point corresponds to one mouse) compared to the FDA mouse equivalent sildenafil serum levels of a human dose (D) Primary tumor weight (g), (E) lung nodule counts, and (F) lung nodule counts normalized to paired primary tumor weight at end point following syngeneic orthotopic injection of 1×105 6DT1 cells and treatment with saline (circles) or sildenafil (10 mg/kg) (squares). (G) Serum levels of nicotine achieved in this study following constant access to nicotine 100 μg/ml drinking water (each point corresponds to one mouse) compared to the average nicotine serum levels of dependent human smokers (range 4 – 72 ng/ul, average 33 ng/μl(19)). (H) Primary tumor weight (g), (I) lung nodule counts, and (J) lung nodule counts normalized to paired primary tumor weight at end point following syngeneic orthotopic injection of 1×105 6DT1 cells and access to nicotine or vehicle water (E-J). Two independent experiments shown (red and blue).