Comparison of recovery in the light and the dark after positive lens wear. Data is shown as the inter-ocular difference between the experimental and fellow eyes (X – N, Mean ± SEM) at various ages for (A) refractive error, (B) axial length, (C) vitreous chamber depth, and (D) choroidal thickness. Age has been normalized so the day of lens removal (the start of recovery) is represented by zero on the X-axes. Asterisks with bars indicate statistically significant difference for inter-ocular difference (X – N) between various ages in each group (* p < .05, *** p < .001, One-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA), and asterisks without bars indicate statistically significant difference for relative difference (ΔX – ΔN) between the +7-light and +7-dark groups during recovery (** p < .01, unpaired, 2-tailed Student’s t-test).