Table 1:
Demographics and dMRI acquisition of the six independent datasets studied.
Dataset | N | Age | Gender | H/D | dMRI data |
dHCP | 40 | 1 to 27 d (6.30±7.47) |
15 F 25 M |
40 H | b=400/1000/2600 s/mm2; 300 directions; TE/TR=90/3800 ms; resolution=1.5 mm3 |
ABIDE | 70 | 5 to 17 y (12.0±3.1) |
6 F 64 M |
49 AUT 21 H |
b=1000s/mm2; 64 directions; TE/TR=78/5200 ms; resolution=3 mm3 |
HCP | 100 | 22 to 35 y (29.0±3.5) |
54 F 46 M |
100 H | b=3000s/mm2; 108 directions; TE/TR=89/5520 ms; resolution=1.25 mm3 |
CNP | 204 | 21 to 50 y (33.3±9.3) |
112 F | 41 DHD 49 BD 50 SZ 125 H |
b=1000s/mm2; 64 directions; TE/TR=93/9000 ms; resolution=2 mm3 |
PPMI | 144 | 51 to 82 y (63.7±7.3) |
51 F 93 M |
102 PD 42 H |
b=1000 s/mm2; 64 directions; TE/TR=88/7600 ms; resolution=2 mm3 |
BTP | 39 | 23 to 82 y (48.9±15.3) |
16 F 23 M |
39 BTP | b=2000 s/mm2; 31 directions; TE/TR=98/12700ms; resolution=2.3 mm3 |
Total number of subjects: N =597 |
Abbreviations: Dataset: dHCP - Developing Human Connectome Project (Makropoulos et al., 2018); ABIDE - Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (Di Martino et al., 2017); HCP - Human Connectome Project (Essen et al., 2013) (different subjects from the ones used in the training data); CNP - Consortium for Neuropsychiatric Phenomics (Poldrack et al., 2016); PPMI - Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (Marek et al., 2011); BTP - Brain Tumor Patient. Age: d - day; y - year; Gender: F - female; M - male. Healthy/Disease (H/D): AUT - autism; ADHD - attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; BP - bipolar disorder; H - healthy; SZ - schizophrenia; PD - Parkinson’s disease; BTP - brain tumor patient.