Figure 1. Behavioral gap detection is impaired in 5XFAD mice.
5XFAD mice first showed impaired gap detection at approximately 2 months of age.
A, B) Gap detection was impaired in both male and female 5XFAD mice relative to controls, beginning at 2–4 months of age. Red: 5XFAD, black: control. Red asterisks indicate significant overall effects (Kruskal-Wallis), grey asterisks indicate significant effects at individual gap durations (post-hoc).
C, D) At 1–2 months of age (1–2m), pure startle responses were no different between 5XFAD mice and sex-matched controls (C: males, D: females). Red: 5XFAD, black: control. Beginning at 2–4 months (2–4m), pure startle responses were smaller in male 5XFAD mice relative to controls, and in female 5XFAD mice relative to controls beginning at 4–6 months of age (4–6m). Startle stimuli were 100 dB white noise, presented during 80 dB background noise.
Red asterisks indicate significant differences between 5XFAD and control (rank-sum). Values are medians, error bars are IQR.