A. Experimental schematic outlining intratracheal (i.t.) administration of polidocanol to wild type 6–10-week-old mice and euthanasia timeline post-injury.
B. qRT-PCR assessing mRNA expression levels of several components and targets of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway from stripped tracheal epithelia of mice at varying timepoints post-polidocanol injury.
C. Images of in situ hybridization in uninjured and 48hpi wildtype mouse tracheas using probes targeting Axin2 mRNA.
D. IF images of p-β-cateninY489 (red) in uninjured and repairing mouse tracheal epithelia at varying timepoints post-injury.
E. IF images of TCF/Lef:H2B/GFP reporter mice with and without polidocanol injury.
F. Quantification of percentage of K5+ GFP+ cells in the surface airway epithelium of TCF/Lef:H2B/GFP reporter mice with and without polidocanol injury.
G. Experimental schematic outlining tamoxifen administration, i.t. polidocanol injury, BrdU administration, and euthanasia of Ctnnb1fl/fl and K5-CreER;Ctnnb1fl/fl transgenic mice.
H. IF images of uninjured and 48hpi mouse airway epithelia of Ctnnb1fl/fl and K5-CreER;Ctnnb1fl/fl transgenic mice assessing BrdU incorporation. Bottom images of a given timepoint are magnifications of outlined white box in top images.
Bar graph represents SEM, n = 3–6. *p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001 by Student’s t test.