Figure 3. ABSC-derived Wnt secretion is dispensable for ABSC proliferation and early progenitor cell formation following injury in vivo.
A. IF images of Porcupine (red) in wild type uninjured and repairing airway epithelia. ICZ = Intercartilaginous zone.
B. Experimental schematic outlining tamoxifen administration, oropharyngeal aspiration (o.a.) of polidocanol injury, BrdU administration, and euthanasia of Porcnfl/fl and K5-CreER;Porcnfl/fl transgenic mice.
C. Quantification of percentage of K5+ GFP+ double-positive cells that are from K5-CreER;Porcnfl/fl transgenic mice treated with tamoxifen as outlined in Figure 3B.
D. IF images of uninjured and 48hpi mouse airway epithelia of Porcnfl/fl and K5-CreER;Porcnfl/fl transgenic mice assessing BrdU incorporation. Bottom images of a given timepoint are magnifications of outlined white box in top images.
E. Quantification of percentage of BrdU+ K5+ mABSCs at 48hpi of Porcnfl/fl and K5-CreER;Porcnfl/fl transgenic mice. n.s. = not significant.
F. IF images of uninjured, 48hpi, 72hpi, and 96hpi mouse airway epithelia of Porcnfl/fl and K5-CreER;Porcnfm transgenic mice assessing emergence K8+ early progenitors.
G. Quantification of percentage of K8+ early progenitors from uninjured, 48hpi, 72hpi, and 96hpi mouse airway epithelia of Porcnfl/fl and K5-CreER;Porcnfl/f transgenic mice.
Bar graph represents SEM, n = 3–6. *p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 by Student’s t test.