Table 2.
First author and year |
Countr y |
Stud y type |
Treatmen t duration (weeks) |
Patients with |
Total n of patient s in study |
Daily saffro n dose |
Daily comparato r dose |
Cognitiv e tasks used |
Akhondzade h, 2010 (14) | Iran | RCT | 22 | Mild/moderate AD | 54 | 30 mg | 10 mg (donepezil) | ADAS-Cog, CDRS-SB |
Akhondzade h, 2010’ (15) | Iran | RCT | 16 | Probable AD | 46 | 30 mg | 30 mg (placebo) | ADAS-Cog, CDRS-SB |
Farokhnia, 2014 (16) | Iran | RCT | 48 | Moderate / severe AD | 68 | 30 mg | 20 mg (memantine) | SCIRS, MMSE FAST |
Tsolaki, 2016 (18) | Greece | RCT | 48 | aMCI | 102 | N/R | N/R | MoCA, MMSE |
Moazen-Zadeh, 2018 (17) | Iran | RCT | 12 | CABG | 55 | 30 mg | 30 mg (placebo) | WMS-R, MMSE |
ADAS-Cog: AD assessment scale-cognitive subscale; CDRS-SB: Clinical Dementia Rating Scale- Sums of Boxes: SCIRS: Severe Cognitive Impairment Rating Scale; FAST: Functional Assessment Staging; CABG: Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery; WMS-R: Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised MMSE: Mini Mental State Examination; aMCI: amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment; MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment