Fig. 1.
Flow diagram of hospitalized COVID-19 PUIs with SARS-CoV-2 testing at Massachusetts General Hospital. All hospitalized patients with symptoms concerning for COVID-19 were eligible for testing with a SARS-CoV-2 NAAT. Patients with a positive NAAT were diagnosed with COVID-19 (green). COVID-19 PUIs for whom the ID physicians had low clinical suspicion for COVID-19 had COVID-19 isolation precautions discontinued after 1 negative NAAT (yellow). COVID-19 PUIs for whom the ID physicians had moderate-high clinical suspicion for COVID-19 had additional workup, including 1 or more additional NAATs. Among COVID-19 PUIs without any positive NAAT, most had isolation precautions discontinued after 2 negative NAATs (orange), but a substantial minority remained COVID-19 PUIs and underwent additional NAATs (red) given ongoing clinical concern for COVID-19 infection. Note. PUI, person under investigation; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; LRT, lower respiratory tract; URT, upper respiratory tract.