Table 1:
States | Unvaccinated (0 dose) | Initiators (1 dose only) | ||||||
Total unvaccinated* | Unvaccinated with no parental intent to initiate series** | Total initiators† | Initiators with no parental intent to complete series†† | |||||
n/N | % (95% CI) | n/N | % (95% CI) | n/N | % (95% CI) | n/N | % (95% CI) | |
Alabama | 130 445/ 312 188 | 41·8 (38·8 to 44·8) | 75 274/ 120 301 | 62·6 (58·0 to 67·2) | 37 466/ 312 188 | 12·0 (10·0 to 14·0) | 11 022/ 37 466 | 29·4 (21·4 to 37·5) |
Alaska | 20 476/ 48 159 | 42·5 (39·5 to 45·6) | 11 489/ 18 793 | 61·1 (56·3 to 66·0) | 4964/ 48 159 | 10·3 (8·5 to 12·1) | 1161/ 4964 | 23·4 (15·5 to 31·3) |
Arizona | 181 742/ 465 298 | 39·1 (36·0 to 42·1) | 103 170/ 169 734 | 60·8 (55·8 to 65·7) | 44 529/ 465 298 | 9·6 (7·8 to 11·4) | 11 868/ 44 529 | 26·7 (18·0 to 35·3) |
Arkansas | 85 803/ 198 438 | 43·2 (40·1 to 46·4) | 48 747/ 81 880 | 59·5 (54·7 to 64·4) | 27 282/ 198 438 | 13·7 (11·5 to 16·0) | 8665/ 27 282 | 31·8 (23·2 to 40·3) |
California | 842 928/ 2 530 832 | 33·3 (30·2 to 36·5) | 403 726/ 809 415 | 49·9 (44·0 to 55·7) | 272 571/ 2 530 832 | 10·8 (8·7 to 12·8) | 62 582/ 272 571 | 23·0 (14·9 to 31·0) |
Colorado | 119 671/ 358 660 | 33·4 (30·2 to 36·6) | 63 519/ 112 753 | 56·3 (50·4 to 62·3) | 45 203/ 358 660 | 12·6 (10·3 to 14·9) | 12 165/ 45 203 | 26·9 (18·1 to 35·7) |
Connecticut | 76 872/ 228 863 | 33·6 (30·6 to 36·6) | 38 559/ 73 706 | 52·3 (46·7 to 57·9) | 26 600/ 228 863 | 11·6 (9·6 to 13·7) | 5595/ 26 600 | 21·0 (13·1 to 29·0) |
Delaware | 17 550/ 57 868 | 30·3 (27·3 to 33·3) | 9638/ 16 232 | 59·4 (53·3 to 65·4) | 5983/ 57 868 | 10·3 (8·4 to 12·3) | 1227/ 5983 | 20·5 (12·9 to 28·1) |
DC+++ | 5653/ 25 338 | 22·3 (19·4 to 25·3) | 2469/ 4909 | 50·3 (42·4 to 58·3) | 2843/ 25 338 | 11·2 (9·0 to 13·5) | 319/ 2843 | 11·2 (5·4 to 17·1) |
Florida | 444 891/ 1 187 483 | 37·5 (34·5 to 40·4) | 238 300/ 424 734 | 56·1 (51·0 to 61·2) | 104 222/ 1 187 483 | 8·8 (7·1 to 10·5) | 34 478/ 104 222 | 33·1 (23·4 to 42·7) |
Georgia | 281 261/ 721 074 | 39·0 (36·0 to 42·1) | 150 132/ 264 837 | 56·7 (51·7 to 61·7) | 75 100/ 721 074 | 10·4 (8·5 to 12·3) | 24 749/ 75 100 | 33·0 (23·5 to 42·5) |
Hawaii | 26 201/ 79 013 | 33·2 (30·2 to 36·1) | 14 334/ 24 005 | 59·7 (54·2 to 65·2) | 8060/ 79 013 | 10·2 (8·4 to 12·0) | 2606/ 8060 | 32·3 (23·6 to 41·1) |
Idaho | 51 625/ 126 133 | 40·9 (37·7 to 44·2) | 33 835/ 48 402 | 69·9 (65·0 to 74·8) | 14 342/ 126 133 | 11·4 (9·2 to 13·6) | 4829/ 14 342 | 33·7 (23·7 to 43·7) |
Illinois | 318 903/ 833 612 | 38·3 (36·1 to 40·4) | 175 720/ 300 102 | 58·6 (54·9 to 62·2) | 103 266/ 833 612 | 12·4 (11·0 to 13·8) | 18 745/ 103 266 | 18·2 (13·6 to 22·7) |
Indiana | 189 760/ 449 114 | 42·3 (39·1 to 45·4) | 116 154/ 180 074 | 64·5 (59·8 to 69·2) | 42 138/ 449 114 | 9·4 (7·5 to 11·2) | 8570/ 42 138 | 20·3 (12·4 to 28·3) |
Iowa | 73 889/ 203 209 | 36·4 (33·1 to 39·6) | 42 723/ 70 562 | 60·5 (55·0 to 66·1) | 23 033/ 203 209 | 11·3 (9·1 to 13·6) | 4559/ 23 033 | 19·8 (12·1 to 27·5) |
Kansas | 88 048/ 198 146 | 44·4 (41·1 to 47·7) | 56 968/ 85 905 | 66·3(61·6 to 71·0) | 19 075/ 198 146 | 9·6 (7·6 to 11·7) | 3223/ 19 075 | 16·9 (9·2 to 24·6) |
Kentucky | 118 937/ 283 853 | 41·9 (38·7 to 45·1) | 67 620/ 112 709 | 60·0 (55·0 to 65·0) | 22 431/ 283 853 | 7·9 (6·2 to 9·6) | 5897/ 22 431 | 26·3 (16·3 to 36·2) |
Louisiana | 111 258/ 303 252 | 36·7 (33·6 to 39·8) | 63 003/ 105 026 | 60·0 (55·0 to 65·0) | 344 35/ 303 252 | 11·4 (9·3 to 13·5) | 8437/ 34 435 | 24·5 (16·2 to 32·8) |
Maine | 21 371/ 74 585 | 28·7 (25·8 to 31·5) | 12 599/ 20 338 | 61·9 (56·1 to 67·8) | 8852/ 74 585 | 11·9 (9·8 to 13·9) | 1642/ 8852 | 18·6 (11·8 to 25·3) |
Maryland | 120 865/ 380 108 | 31·8 (28·6 to 35·0) | 66 126/ 11 6043 | 57·0 (50·8 to 63·2) | 48 004/ 380 108 | 12·6 (10·4 to 14·9) | 8416/ 48 004 | 17·5 (10·0 to 25·1) |
Massachusetts | 111 433/ 404 253 | 27·6 (24·6 to 30·5) | 53 117/ 105 652 | 50·3 (43·8 to 56·7) | 40 036/ 404 253 | 9·9 (8·1 to 11·7) | 4772/ 40 036 | 11·9 (5·8 to 18·0) |
Michigan | 230 629/ 640 624 | 36·0 (33·0 to 39·0) | 146 778/ 221 560 | 66·2 (61·2 to 71·3) | 70 979/ 640 624 | 11·1 (9·0 to 13·1) | 14 802/ 70 979 | 20·9 (12·8 to 28·9) |
Minnesota | 120 616/ 362 205 | 33·3 (30·0 to 36·6) | 70 476/ 113 724 | 62·0 (56·1 to 67·9) | 46 432/ 362 205 | 12·8 (10·6 to 15·1) | 8400/ 46 432 | 18·1 (10·9 to 25·3) |
Mississippi | 97 122/ 202 835 | 47·9 (44·7 to 51·1) | 51 119/ 89 549 | 57·1 (52·5 to 61·7) | 19 319/ 202 835 | 9·5 (7·6 to 11·4) | 5417/ 19 319 | 28·0 (18·9 to 37·2) |
Missouri | 149 056/ 391 150 | 38·1 (35·1 to 41·2) | 87 185/ 141 188 | 61·8 (56·7 to 66·8) | 51 973/ 391 150 | 13·3 (11·1 to 15·4) | 10 973/ 51 973 | 21·1 (13·8 to 28·4) |
Montana | 24 924/ 62 969 | 39·6 (36·2 to 42·9) | 15 879/ 23 341 | 68·0 (62·8 to 73·3) | 5721/ 62 969 | 9·1 (7·1 to 11·0) | 1188/ 5721 | 20·8 (12·1 to 29·5) |
Nebraska | 48 299/ 131 112 | 36·8 (33·6 to 40·1) | 29 926/ 45 760 | 65·4 (59·8 to 7·0) | 12 782/ 131 112 | 9·7 (7·9 to 11·6) | 3271/ 12 782 | 25·6 (16·8 to 34·3) |
Nevada | 72 550/ 191 859 | 37·8 (35·0 to 40·6) | 36 331/ 66 145 | 54·9 (50·1 to 59·8) | 21 300/ 191 859 | 11·1 (9·3 to 12·9) | 5529/ 21 300 | 26·0 (18·8 to 33·1) |
New Hampshire | 25 478/ 78 928 | 32·3 (29·2 to 35·4) | 15 427/ 24 810 | 62·2 (56·5 to 67·9) | 7175/ 78 928 | 9·1 (7·2 to 11·0) | 1627/ 7175 | 22·7 (13·3 to 32·0) |
New Jersey | 225 339/ 572 770 | 39·3 (36·5 to 42·1) | 111 274/ 213 928 | 52·0 (47·4 to 56·6) | 63 625/ 572 770 | 11·1 (9·3 to 13·0) | 9631/ 63 625 | 15·1 (9·5 to 20·8) |
New Mexico | 51 514/ 137 077 | 37·6 (34·4 to 40·7) | 28 265/ 48 519 | 58.3 (52·9 to 63·6) | 14 305/ 137 077 | 10·4 (8·4 to 12·5) | 4203/ 14 305 | 29·4 (19·3 to 39·5) |
New York | 394 656/ 116 1100 | 34·0 (31·8 to 36·2) | 215 903/ 373 994 | 57·7 (53·7 to 61·7) | 119 229/ 1 161 100 | 10·3 (8·9 to 11·6) | 21 570/ 119 229 | 18·1 (12·2 to 24·0) |
North Carolina | 237 911/ 661 275 | 36·0 (33·0 to 39·0) | 131 368/ 226 684 | 58·0 (52·9 to 63·0) | 80 294/ 661 275 | 12·1 (10·0 to 14·2) | 20 889/ 80 294 | 26·0 (17·5 to 34·5) |
North Dakota | 13 036/ 43 927 | 29·7 (26·7 to 32·6) | 8151/ 12 363 | 65·9 (60·2 to 71·7) | 4845/ 43 927 | 11·0 (8·9 to 13·1) | 1241/ 4845 | 25·6 (16·7 to 34·5) |
Ohio | 296 063/ 750 640 | 39·4 (36·5 to 42·4) | 176 868/ 280 093 | 63·1 (58·5 to 67·8) | 85 456/ 750 640 | 11·4 (9·4 to 13·4) | 20 896/ 85 456 | 24·5 (16·3 to 32·6) |
Oklahoma | 116 684/ 264 705 | 44·1 (41·1 to 47·0) | 71 793/ 109 853 | 65·4 (60·9 to 69·8) | 28 814/ 264 705 | 10·9 (9·0 to 12·7) | 7186/ 28 814 | 24·9 (17·1 to 32·8) |
Oregon | 84 505/ 243 710 | 34·7 (31·6 to 37·8) | 46 060/ 81 295 | 56·7 (51·0 to 62·3) | 25 255/ 243 710 | 10·4 (8·4 to 12·3) | 5846/ 25 255 | 23·1 (14·4 to 31·9) |
Pennsylvania | 262 586/ 769 845 | 34·1 (31·4 to 36·9) | 158 981/ 253 640 | 62·7 (57·9 to 67·5) | 72 623/ 769 845 | 9·4 (7·8 to 11·0) | 16 110/ 72 623 | 22·2 (14·1 to 30·3) |
Rhode Island+++ | 13 579/ 60 307 | 22·5 (19·7 to 25·4) | 6645/ 12 290 | 54·1 (46·5 to 61·7) | 5191/ 60 307 | 8·6 (76·8 to 10·4) | 1061/ 5191 | 20·4 (11·6 to 29·3) |
South Carolina | 131 361/ 310 476 | 42·3 (39·2 to 45·4) | 71 254/ 125 342 | 56·8 (52·0 to 61·7) | 34 101/ 310 476 | 11·0 (9.1 to 12·9) | 10 018/ 34 101 | 29·4 (20·8 to 37·9) |
South Dakota | 20 465/ 56 744 | 36·1 (32·9 to 39·2) | 11 302/19 238 | 58·7 (53·0 to 64·5) | 6128/ 56 744 | 10·8 (8·9 to 12·7) | 1457/ 6128 | 23·8 (15·2 to 32·3) |
Tennessee | 178 205/ 425 537 | 41·9 (38·6 to 45·2) | 105 846/ 169 414 | 62·5 (57·4 to 67·6) | 45 957/ 425 537 | 10·8 (8·8 to 12·8) | 10 174/ 45 957 | 22·1 (13·3 to 30·9) |
Texas | 854 553/ 2 046 196 | 41·8 (40·1 to 43·4) | 443 104/ 805 224 | 55·0 (52·4 to 57·7) | 211 651/ 2 164 196 | 10·3 (9·4 to 11·3) | 49 387/ 211 651 | 23·3 (19·4 to 27·3) |
Utah | 107 908/ 254 060 | 42·5 (39·2 to 45·7) | 75 477/ 103 988 | 72·6 (68·1 to 77·1) | 27 586/ 254 060 | 10·9 (8·8 to 12·9) | 8891/ 27 586 | 32·2 (23·2 to 41·3) |
Vermont | 8847/ 35 063 | 25·2 (22·3 to 28·2) | 4659/ 8349 | 55·8 (49·0 to 62·6) | 3815/ 35 063 | 10·9 (8·7 to 13·1) | 513/ 3815 | 13·5 (5·7 to 21·2) |
Virginia+++ | 177 858/ 525 439 | 33·8 (29·9 to 37·8) | 99 832/ 171 464 | 58·2 (51·0 to 65·5) | 58 666/ 525 439 | 11·2 (8·4 to 14·0) | 14 905/ 58 666 | 25·4 (14·3 to 36·5) |
Washington | 143 067/ 450 493 | 31·8 (28·6 to 34·9) | 78 095/ 134 017 | 58·3 (52·2 to 64·4) | 49 897/ 450 493 | 11·1 (8·9 to 13·2) | 12 554/ 49 897 | 25·2 (15·4 to 34·9) |
West Virginia | 41 417/ 106 186 | 39·0 (36·0 to 42·0) | 22 967/ 39 652 | 57·9 (52·9 to 62·9) | 13 164/ 106 186 | 12·4 (10·3 to 14·5) | 4263/ 13 098 | 32·5 (24·1 to 41·0) |
Wisconsin | 132 507/ 371 040 | 35·7 (32·7 to 38·7) | 73 132/ 127 251 | 57·7 (52·1 to 62·8) | 47 455/ 371 040 | 12·8 (10·7 to 14·9) | 9953/ 47 455 | 21·0 (13·8 to 28·1) |
Wyoming | 17 620/ 36 714 | 48·0 (44·7 to 51·3) | 10 609/ 17 143 | 61·9 (57·3 to 66·5) | 4239/ 36 714 | 11·5 (9·4 to 13·7) | 1073/ 4239 | 25·3 (17·3 to 33·3) |
Acronym: DC, District of Columbia
States with HPV vaccine mandate (i.e., a legislative order to receive the human papillomavirus [HPV] vaccine for school entry)
Percentage of unvaccinated adolescents = (number [n] of unvaccinated US adolescents aged 13–17 years ÷ number [N] of US adolescents aged 13–17 years) × 100· Population estimates of US adolescents in 2017–2018 were derived using National Immunization Survey (NIS)-Teen survey weights·
Percentage of unvaccinated adolescents with no parental intent = (number [n] of unvaccinated US adolescents aged 13–17 years with no parental intent ÷ number [N] of unvaccinated US adolescents aged 13–17 years with non-missing data on parental intent) × 100· Data on parental intent was missing for approximately 5% unvaccinated adolescents· Population estimates of US adolescents in 2017–2018 were derived using National Immunization Survey (NIS)-Teen survey weights·
Percentage of initiators = (number [n] of US adolescents aged 13–17 years who received 1 HPV vaccine dose only ÷ number [N] of US adolescents aged 13–17 years) × 100· Population estimates of US adolescents in 2017–2018 were derived using National Immunization Survey (NIS)-Teen survey weights·
Percentage of initiators with no parental intent = (number [n] of US adolescents aged 13–17 years who received 1 HPV vaccine dose only with no parental intent ÷ number [N] of US adolescents aged 13–17 years who received 1 HPV vaccine dose only with non-missing data on parental intent) × 100· Population estimates of US adolescents in 2017–2018 were derived using National Immunization Survey (NIS)-Teen survey weights.