Interaction between SERT deletion and AMPH self‐administration on the NMDA receptor subunits in the cNAc and sNAc. Data show GluN1 levels in (a) cNAc and (b) sNAc, GluN2A levels in (c) cNAc and (d) sNAc, and GluN2B levels in (e) cNAc and (f) sNAc. In the lower panel (g), representative immunoblots are shown for GluN2A (180 kDa), GluN2B (180 kDa), GluN1 (120 kDa), and β‐Actin (43 kDa) proteins in the cNAc and sNAc homogenates of SERT+/+ and SERT−/− rats exposed to AMPH. Results are expressed as percentages of SERT+/+‐naive rats. Histograms represent the mean ± SEM of the following number of rats: naïve (SERT+/+
n = 6; SERT−/−
n = 6), ShA (SERT+/+
n = 14; SERT−/−
n = 13), and LgA (SERT+/+
n = 12; SERT−/−
n = 12). *
P < 0.05, **
P < 0.01, ***
P < 0.001 versus SERT+/+‐naïve; #
P < 0.05, ##
P < 0.01 versus SERT−/−‐naïve; $
P < 0.05, $$
P < 0.01 versus SERT−/−‐ShA (Tukey's multiple comparisons test). N, naïve; S, amphetamine short access; L, amph long access