Fig. 2.
Differential expression of metabolites in HCC patients following one to two fractions of SBRT. (a) Heatmap showing differentially expressed (all three p-values ≤0⋅05) plasma metabolites by Child Pugh (CP) scores, A (green) and B (yellow). Each column represents a patient; each row represents an individual metabolite. The more intense the red colour, the higher the level of the metabolite was detected. The more intense the blue colour, the lower the level of the metabolite was detected. See Table 3 for the identities of the annotated metabolites. (b) MESA and enrichment node connections of the high expressing metabolites. Each node represents a metabolite set with its colour based on the P value, and its size is based on the fold enrichment for the metabolite list in query. Two metabolite sets are connected by an edge if the number of combined metabolites is over 20% the number of their combined metabolite sets.