Fig. 3.
Differential expression changes of metabolites after one to two fractions of SBRT from baseline by change in Child Pugh (CP) score at three months post SBRT. (a) Heatmap of differential upregulation or downregulation (all three p-values ≤0⋅05) of plasma metabolites with increase in Child Pugh (ΔCP) score of <2 (green) vs. ≥2 (yellow) points at three months post SBRT compared to baseline. Each column represents a patient. Each row represents an individual metabolite. The more intense the red colour, the higher the level of the metabolite was detected. The more intense the blue colour, the lower the level of the metabolite was detected. See Table 4 for the identities of the annotated metabolites. (b) Representative boxplots showing the fold change of 4 metabolites plotted against increasing ΔCP score at three months post SBRT.