Fig. 1.
Effects of VOO on tubular changes in rats with sub-chronic EP a) Renal tissue of groups II and I with normal architecture Renal tissue of group III with severe tubular damages and degeneration of renal tubules with distinct mononuclear cells infiltration Renal tissue of group IV with mild hyperaemia in the kidney vessels and decreased degenerative changes H&E staining ( × 100) b) Effects of VOO on tubular necrosis score in rats with sub-chronic EP aP˂0.05 compared to group I, bP˂0.05 compared to group II, cP˂0.05 compared to group III. I: control group, II: VOO group, III: EP treated group, IV: VOO pretreatment and EP treated group (G) Renal glomeruli, (bc) Glomerular capsule, (cp) capsular space, (P) proximal convoluted tubules, (D) distal convoluted tubules, (g) Atrophied glomeruli, (h) Intertubular hemorrhage, (v) vaculles, (h) hemorrhage.