Overview of some publicly and commercially available reference databases for bacterial identification using 16S rRNA gene sequence interpretationa
Database | DNA target(s) | No. of sequences | Curation | Alignment of clustered sequences | Link | Comment |
NCBI nt (Genbank NCBI) | All | ≈21,000,000 | Limited | No | (select appropriate dataset in the menu in order to restrict and accelerate the search); for downloads, | Hosts all published sequences; excellent coverage; frequent updates; many redundant entries; frequent erroneous entries; use for unusual or new species |
Greengenes (consortium comprised of Second Genome Inc., University of Colorado, and University of Queensland) | 16S rRNA genes | ≈1,200,000 | Yes; manual sequences >12,000 bp; taxonomy curation | Yes: sequence clusters at various similarity percentages | Searches,; downloads, | Includes several tools from chromatogram analysis to alignments; latest version from 2013; unclear updates, some taxonomy information may be outdated |
RDP (Michigan State University) | 16S rRNA | ≈3,200,000 | Yes; manual sequences >12,000 bp; taxonomy curation | Yes; Aligned | Searches, and | Manually and not regularly updated; last update was May 2015; various tools available to analyze user data further |
SILVA (Max Plank Institute for Marine Microbiology) | ≈5,000,000, includes small ribosomal subunit for eukaryotes | Yes; manual sequence quality; taxonomy curation | Yes; multiple cluster sets available | Search,; downloads, | Continually updated; tools available to analyze user data; genes other than 16S rRNA | |
Molzym SepsiTest | ≈7,043 | Manual | No | CE-IVD database works with kit but also with sequences generated otherwise | ||
SmartGene IDNS Bacteria Module 3.9.x | 16S rRNA and rpoB | ≈800,000 16S, 358,000 centroid annotated | Yes; quality filters for sequence quality, centroid annotation for annotation qualification | Centroid annotation for most representative sequence per species | CE-IVD; proprietary centroid annotation; quality filtered, continually updated; tools available to analyze user data; genes other than 16S rRNA | |
MicroSEQ 3.1 | 16S rRNA | 2,300 | Sequences of collection and type strains | No | Compatible with the MicroSEQ sequencing kit of ThermoFisher; mainly for 500-bp sequencing |
Entries with gray shading represent publicly available databases, and those without gray shading represent commercially available databases. See reference 5.