Table 1.
Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlations of Key Study Variables
Study Variables | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
1. Face | — | .81*** | .11* | −.03 | −.11* | .06* | .25*** | .05 | .11 | .05 | .14 | .07 | .07 |
2. Overnights | .89*** | — | .04 | −.10 | −.09 | <.01 | .28*** | .04 | .08 | .05 | .15 | .02 | .04 |
3. Conflict | −.03 | −.05 | — | −.16** | −.18** | −.16** | −.10* | .19** | .14* | .15* | .13* | .17* | .10 |
4. Acc/Rej. | −.11* | .10* | −.22*** | — | .49*** | .61*** | .39*** | −.36*** | −.38** | −.23** | −.20** | −.25** | −.23** |
5. Con. Disc. | −.02 | −.03 | −.21*** | .57*** | — | .25*** | .14** | −.20** | −.28*** | −.17* | −.17* | −.07 | −.10 |
6. Comm. | .18*** | .19*** | −.14** | .59*** | .20*** | — | .35*** | −.39*** | −.30*** | −.25*** | −.17* | −.28*** | −.16* |
7. Fam. Routines | .30*** | .31*** | −.11* | .51*** | .24*** | .43*** | — | −.17** | —.12+ | −.07 | −.06 | −.23** | −.23** |
8. Int. Cone. | −.17** | −.13* | .14* | −.37*** | −.26*** | −.28*** | −.23*** | — | .70*** | .70*** | .54*** | .61*** | .46*** |
9. Ext. Cone. | −.06 | −.05 | .18** | −.42*** | −.26*** | −.28*** | −.19** | .61*** | — | .52*** | .77— | .53*** | .71*** |
10. Int. 3-mo | −.21*** | −.20** | .10+ | −.31*** | −.15* | −.29*** | −.25*** | .75*** | .52*** | — | .70— | .77— | .56*** |
11. Ext. 3-mo | −.13* | −.13* | .18** | −.36*** | −.21*** | −.29*** | −.22 | .49*** | .79*** | .61*** | — | .63*** | .81*** |
12. Int. 10-mo | −.07 | −.02 | −.03 | −.21** | −.21*** | −.11+ | −.04 | .61*** | .41*** | .67*** | .35*** | — | .65*** |
13. Ext 10m | −.05 | −.02 | .06 | −.29*** | −.28*** | −.13* | −.06 | .37*** | .73*** | .42*** | .70*** | .54*** | — |
Mothers Mean (SD) | 24.86 (6.76) | 23.61 (7.63) | 1.48 (.47) | 4.47 (.37) | 4.38 (.55) | 4.53 (.46) | 2.68 (.34) | 10.48 (8.01) | 10.71 (8.07) | 8.83 (7.44) | 9.12(7.72) | 8.15(7.00) | 8.65 (7.76) |
Fathers Mean (SD) | 17.90 (8.46) | 14.52 (9.41) | 1.56 (.47) | 4.50 (.36) | 4.55 (.46) | 4.43 (.54) | 2.58 (.39) | 8.79 (7.36) | 9.10(7.85) | 7.44 (7.28) | 8.45 (8.81) | 7.14(6.93) | 7.27 (7.83) |
Note. In ihe corrclaiion table, mothers are below and fathers are above the diagonal. Face = face-to-face parenting lime; Acc/Rej. = acceptance and rejection: Con. Disc = consistent discipline; Comm. = parent adolescent communication; Fam. Rout. = Family Routines; Int. = internalizing; Ext. = externalizing; Cone. = concurrent; 3-mo = 3-month follow-up; 10-mo = 10-month follow-up.
p < .10.
p < .05.
p <.01.
p <.001.