Table 2.
Corpus | References | Relation type | Data content | Description |
CHR | Sahu et al., 2019 | Chemical-chemical interactions | 12,094 PubMed Abstracts and Titles | Chemical Relations database (National Center for Text Mining) |
BioInfer | Pyysalo et al., 2007 | Gene, RNA, Protein, relations | 1100 Sentences | Bio Information Extraction Resource |
GE | Kim et al., 2009 | Gene and Gene Product Associations | 15 Annotated PubMed Articles | Genia Event Extraction Corpus |
EU-ADR | Van Mulligen et al., 2012 | Diseases, Drugs and Drug Target relations | 300 Abstracts 100 for each Entity | European Union - Adverse Drug Reaction Project affiliated |
ChEBI | Shardlow et al., 2018 | Relations between Chemicals, Proteins, Species, Biological Activity | 199 abstracts 100 full papers annotated | Chemical Entities of Biological Interest |
BC-II: PPI Corpus | Krallinger et al., 2008 | Protein-Protein Interactions | 3,536+338 (TR+TE) Related Entries 1,959+339 (TR+TE) Non-Related Entries | BioCreative II - PPI task Corpora |
BC-II.5: Elsevier Corpus | Leitner et al., 2010 | Protein-Protein Interactions | 1190 Articles 124 - PPI positive 1066 - unrelated | BioCreative II.5 Special Corpus provided by Elsevier |
BC-V: CDR | Li et al., 2016a | Chemical-Disease relations | 1500 PubMed Articles 3116 interactions | BioCreative V - Chemicals and Disease Corpus |
BC-VI: ChemProt Corpus | Krallinger et al., 2017 | Chemical-Protein interaction | 1020+800 (TR+TE) Abstracts | Training/Testing article Corpus for the BioCreative V Task |
AIMed Corpus | Bunescu et al., 2005 | Protein-Protein interactions | 225 Abstracts 200- PPI positive 25- unrelated | Human annotated Corpus for Training to Identify relations |
These data sets contain labeled data that can be used for the training and testing of methods.