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. 2020 Mar 3;25(9):e1382–e1395. doi: 10.1634/theoncologist.2019-0804

Table 3.

Published intervention studies targeting health care professionals, by study design

Author Country and WHO region Cancer Study design Sample size Population Intervention(s) Duration of intervention Testing Outcome measure Results
Controlled intervention studies targeting health care professionals


2010 30



Breast cancer Controlled intervention study/RCT 128 Randomly sampled physicians in Arak city

Video training vs. systematic review

Histology, anatomy, epidemiology, assessment, and diagnosis of breast cancer

0.5‐hour video vs. distributed printed handouts



(immediately after)

Knowledge Mean significant increase in total knowledge score before and after both interventions. No significant difference between the two educational interventions.


2010 11



Breast cancer Controlled intervention study/RCT 291 Nurses and midwives from two health districts in rural Izmir

Breast cancer educational program vs. control

Presentations and videos on statistics, risk factors, symptoms, BSE, screening, and guidelines

Not reported Post‐intervention at 1 year Knowledge Significant improvement of total knowledge score compared with control.


2014a 31



Breast cancer Controlled intervention study/RCT 130 Female medical employees of a university

Educational intervention vs. control

Lectures, questions and answers, videos, booklet and digital disk on breast cancer awareness, screening, prevention, and barriers

3 × 1–1.5‐hour sessions


Post‐intervention at 1 month

Knowledge Significant improvements for awareness, susceptibility, benefits, barriers, and behavior constructs.


2014a 32



Breast cancer Controlled intervention study/RCT 69 Nursing students in a health college only

Traditional lecturing method vs. Six Learning Hats method

Lecture vs. active approach on knowledge and beliefs of breast cancer and BSE

Not reported


Post‐intervention at 15 days and 3 months

Knowledge Knowledge score significantly increased for traditional learning method (9.32 to 14.41, p < .001), and for Six Thinking Hats method (9.20 to 14.73, p < .001).


2015 33

Sri Lanka


Breast cancer Controlled intervention study/RCT 85 Public health midwives only

Training program vs. control

Didactic lectures, discussions, practical sessions, and role‐plays

2‐day training program

Pre‐ intervention

Post‐intervention at 1 and 6 months

Knowledge Statistically significant increase in knowledge, attitudes, and practices of midwives who received intervention compared with those who did not.


2014 18



Breast cancer Controlled intervention study/RCT 22,337 Case‐finding for female participants in Khulna

mHealth vs. mHealth and Navigation vs. control

Smart phone application and video to guide interview, report data, inform, and offer appointment. Navigation training was provided to health workers in second arm

Case‐finding program run over 4 months Post‐intervention (immediately after) Other (treatment access) mHealth demonstrated no significant increase in subsequent care attendance compared with control (63% vs. 53%). However, patient navigation showed significant improvements in care attendance compared with without navigation (63% vs. 43%, p < .0001).


2015 15



Breast, cervix, and other not specified Controlled intervention study/RCT 10,979 Village residents of two randomly chosen Tanzanian villages

Case‐finding vs. control

Village navigators were trained to actively seek cases and refer to health care to decrease advanced cancer rates

3‐day health aide training for program run over 3 years Post‐intervention at 1, 2, and 3 years Stage of disease The intervention village had significant downstaging to stage I and II disease (23% to 51% to 74%, p < .001), whereas no significant downstaging was observed in the control village (11% to 22% to 37%, p = not significant).
De Angelis 2012 16



Childhood cancer Controlled intervention study Not reported Physicians working in first or second level health care centers in pediatric oncology

Training program vs. control

Program focused on upskilling diagnosis and treatment of childhood oncological diseases

Not reported


Retrospective data analysis over 3 years

Time interval Median time from symptom onset to diagnosis was decreased in districts with a training program implemented (20.5 vs. 40 days, p = .0019).
Quasi‐experimental studies targeting health care professionals


2015 34



Breast cancer Quasi‐experimental study 146 Female participants in Lahore; mostly students (74%), including health science students (36%)

Audio‐visual educational activity

Early detection, examination, and treatment options

3 × 20‐minute sessions run over 1 day


Post‐intervention (immediately after)

Knowledge There was a 66% increase in participants’ knowledge overall between pre‐ and post‐intervention questionnaire.


2006b 28



Breast, colon, intestinal Quasi‐experimental study 281 Students, teachers, and community members, and health care workers in Karachi

Educational sessions

Presentations and examination models about cancers, their diagnosis, and treatment

15 × educational sessions conducted over 1 year



Knowledge Increased proportion of participants with greater general knowledge for cancer and less cancer stigma. There was no reported change in identifying signs and symptoms.


2007b 14



Breast, cervix and nasopharyngeal Quasi‐experimental study Not reported General population attending 154 rural clinics and 18 hospitals in Sarawak

Early cancer surveillance program

Staff training to improve early detection, and raising public awareness through poster and pamphlet distribution

2‐day staff training and once‐off poster and pamphlet distribution


Retrospective data analysis over 1 year

Post‐intervention at 4 years

Stage of disease Stage III and IV was significantly reduced for breast cancer (35% vs. 60%, p < .0001) and cervical (26% vs. 60%, p < .0001). No reduction was observed for nasopharyngeal cancer.


2015 19



Childhood cancer Quasi‐experimental study 280 Children diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Multifaceted intervention

Improved treatment protocol, increased health care worker capacity, health care worker educational program, and social worker support

Intervention implemented over 3 years


Retrospective data analysis over 10 years


Retrospective data analysis over 4 years

Other (survival, abandonment) The study shows that after implementing the intervention, there was a significant improvement in complete remission survival (p = .005) and in abandonment rates (p < .001).


2015 20



Gastric cancer Quasi‐experimental study 48 Patients referred to a single endoscopy center in Southern China

Endoscopy training vs. control

Training program to improve detection, through weekly case discussions, journal reviews, and video studies

Weekly program run over 2 years


Retrospective data analyzed over 2 years

Other (detection rate) Significant improvement in the detection rate of early gastric cancer between the training and nontraining group (0.7% vs. 0.06%, p < .01).
Cross‐sectional studies targeting health care professionals


2014 17



Not specified Descriptive cross‐sectional study 437 Patient tissue specimens sent to a pathology service at a district hospital

Anatomic pathology lab service

Implementation of anatomic pathology at a hospital through personnel and infrastructure

Implementation of service over 6 months Post‐intervention at 6 months Time interval Median pathology interval 32 days; 72 specimens processed median per month.

A comprehensive breakdown of intervention and outcomes of the included studies are described, according to their study design and outcome measure.


Study was deemed to be of low quality in study quality assessment.


Study intervention targeted both the general population and health care professionals and has been listed in both Tables 2 and 3.

Abbreviations: AFR, African Region; AMR, Region for the Americas; BSE, breast self‐examination; EMR, Eastern Mediterranean Region; EUR, European Region; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SEAR, South‐East Asia Region; WHO, World Health Organization; WPR, Western Pacific Region.