FIG 1.
ZedMate facilitates detection and classification of VACV particles in infected cells. (A) Merged four-channel fluorescent image of a HeLa cell infected with VACV (see Fig. S1A for channel details). Bar, 10 μm. (B) Illustration of Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG)-based VACV particle detection in 3D. The dumbbell shape (red) represents a particle sliced in optical Z-sections (semitransparent gray), providing a point signal for LoG detection (yellow) and connected in Z (not to scale). (C) Intensity measurement from detected particles presented as a Z-profile intensity matrix. (D) 3D plot of detected particles color coded according to detected channels and virion category (see Fig. S1B for details). (Inset) Quantification of different particle types. n = 30 cells (3 biological replicates). Values are means and standard errors of the means (SEM).