Figure 3.
Immunodetection of the p62 protein in brain homogenates of T0, control and treated 3xTg-AD mice. Panel A shows detection of the m-p62 using a monoclonal anti-murine p62 antibody. GAPDH was used as a control to check equal protein loading. Densitometry is shown on the right (*p<0.05 and ***p<0.001 vs T0, ###p<0.001 vs C, §§§p<0.001 vs LAB). Panel B shows detection of the h-p62 protein in brain homogenates of T0, control (C) and treated 3xTg-AD mice using a monoclonal anti-human p62 antibody. 3 μg of a recombinant human p62 protein were loaded as control. GAPDH was used as a control to check equal protein loading.