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. 2020 Sep 11;15(9):e0238957. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0238957

Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of respondents.

Variables Frequency Percentage
 Burundi 8587 8.46
 Ethiopia 14923 14.70
 Madagascar 8308 8.18
 Malawi 7933 7.81
 Mozambique 13571 13.37
 Rwanda 6680 6.58
 Tanzania 13063 12.87
 Uganda 5988 5.90
 Zambia 13234 13.04
 Zimbabwe 9236 9.10
Age (years)
 15–19 22301 21.97
 20–24 18900 18.62
 25–29 17163 16.91
 30–34 14632 14.41
 35–39 12165 11.98
 40–44 9286 9.15
 45–49 7077 6.97
Educational level
 No education 21503 21.18
 Primary 48585 47.86
 Secondary 27817 27.40
 Higher 3619 3.56
Marital status
 Never married 26233 25.84
 Married 63127 62.18
 Divorced/widowed/separated 12164 11.98
 Working 57612 56.75
 Not working 43912 43.25
Household wealth quintile
 Lowest 18306 18.03
 Second 18651 18.37
 Middle 18940 18.66
 Fourth 21025 20.71
 Highest 24602 24.23
Sex of household head
 Male 71520 70.45
 Female 30004 29.55
Media exposure
 Yes 67811 66.79
 No 33713 33.21
Type of toilet facility
 Improved 45387 44.71
 Unimproved 56137 55.29
Source of drinking water
 Improved 70913 69.85
 Unimproved 30611 30.15
Ever had of a terminated pregnancy
 Yes 11622 11.45
 No 89902 88.55
 None 27310 26.90
 Primiparous 14851 14.63
 Multiparous 35205 34.68
 Grand multiparous 24158 23.80
Household size
 1–2 7899 7.78
 3–5 44659 43.99
 6 and above 48966 48.23
Distance from the health facility
 Big problem 41604 40.98
 Not a big problem 59920 59.02
Modern contraceptive use
 Yes 27905 27.49
 No 73619 72.51
Currently pregnant
 Yes 8511 8.38
 No/unsure 93013 91.62
Currently breastfeeding
 Yes 27690 27.27
 No 73834 72.73
 Urban 28871 28.44
 Rural 72653 71.56
Community poverty level
 Low 50845 50.08
 High 50679 49.92
Community literacy level
 Low 52180 51.40
 High 49344 48.60