Figure 2. Incomplete 3' UTRs annotations contribute to discrepancies in RNA-seq analysis.
(A, B) Log10 average expression as quantified using indicated annotation for (A) kdrlpos- or (B) pdgfrbpos-enriched genes identified as such only in RefSeq and lacking an Ens95 3' UTR annotation. Expression levels for genes from each annotation with matched NCBI ID are shown in each case. Data are normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilks test), paired t-test, p values are indicated; n = 3 (i.e. each point represents an average value from three separate RNA-seq replicates). (C) UCSC browser image of slc7a5 locus on the minus strand showing 3' UTR annotations from Ens95 and RefSeq. Mapped read depth from kdrlpos cells on the genome, or assigned to each annotation are indicated, as is a 3P-seq feature. The GSE32900 track is consolidated RNA-seq reads from all stages indicated in Figure 3A. The location of a putative missing 3' UTR is indicated. (D) Pie chart showing numbers of reference genes with the same or longer 3' UTRs in each indicated annotation. (E) Pie charts showing the proportion of reference genes selectively identified as kdrlpos- or pdgfrbpos-enriched by Ens95 and RefSeq with indicated relative 3' UTR length. (F, G) Correlation plots showing log10 average expression from kdrlpos RNA-seq (n = 3) quantified with each annotation for matched reference genes with (F) longer Ens95 (maroon) or RefSeq (light blue) 3' UTR, or (G) same 3' UTR length. Data are not normally distributed, Spearman correlation, r values are indicated. (H, I) UCSC browser images of (H) sox17 and (I) cspg4 loci, both on the minus strand, showing 3' UTR annotations from Ens95 and RefSeq. Mapped read depth of RNA-seq from (H) kdrlpos or (I) pdgfrbpos cells captured for each annotation is indicated. Consolidated reads from GSE32900 and location of 3P-Seq features are indicated, as is putative missing 3' UTR in cspg4.