A, B) Annotated UCSC Genome Browser screenshots of (
cenpq and
mrpl39 loci and (
talgn3b and
abhd10b loci. RefSeq, Ens95, Ens99 and V4.3 transcript annotations are shown. Ensembl-annotated transcripts overlapping adjacent locus and leading to misassignment of gene names are indicated. (
C) Apparent detected expression for
abhd10b and
tagln3b in
pdgfrbpos RNA-seq reads (n = 3) using indicated annotation. Error bars denote SEM. The
abhd10b transcripts are annotated as belonging to the
tagln3b gene in Ensembl95 and 99. This leads to a failure to detect
abhd10b when using Ensembl annotations, along with spurious inflation of
tagln3b expression levels due to the inclusion of reads that should be mapped to
abhd10b. (
D) Histogram plot of numbers of transcripts per gene for indicated annotation. The plot is limited to genes with 10 or fewer transcripts. (
E) UCSC browser image of the
erg locus showing transcripts from indicated annotation and mapped reads from