Opsin coexpression resulting from environmental plasticity modifies cone sensitivities in short palette species [77, 78]. Shown are the relative expression levels for the different opsin classes expressed as % of single cones (all SWS genes) or % of double cones (RH2 and LWS genes) as well as the resulting visual pigments. A) Wild caught or UV laboratory lighting. All cones express a single opsin gene to produce the pure short palette (SWS1, RH2B and RH2A opsins) across the retina. B) Fluorescent lab raised individuals (and some wild caughts) show increased coexpression that varies across the retina. In the central area centralis, the pure short palette opsins as shown in (A). Single cones outside of this region coexpress SWS1 and SWS2B. For double cones, RH2B/RH2Ab coexpression increases in the temporal region while RH2Aa/LWS coexpression increases in the ventral region. This produces 4 different coexpression regions. For the coexpressed pigments, the visual pigment sum is shown in color, as compared to the pure pigment it replaces shown in dotted gray.