Fig. 5.
Influence of different liquid nutrient media on the growth and acetylshikonin (AS) accumulation in the hairy roots. a Morphological observation of harvested hairy roots after 7 days of growth in two different liquid nutrient media. b Biomass of hairy roots in different liquid nutrient media harvested at day 7. c The impact of two growth media on the production of acetylshikonin (AS) by E. plantagineum hairy roots. d Acetylshikonin (AS) contents of hairy root strains grown in liquid 1/2B5 and M9 nutrient media at day 7. Results are the mean values ± SE with three replicates. Heat map was generated using Heml 1.0 Software. Significant difference indicates as *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001, respectively, when compared between different liquid nutrient media of each hairy root line