Identification and gross morphology of primary visual cortex. A, Diagram adapted from the Allen Mouse Brain Reference Atlas showing the anterior-most plane of primary visual cortex (V1, front), the approximate middle of the anterior-posterior extent of V1 (middle), and the posterior-most plane of V1 able to be reliable used for reconstruction (back). Yellow shape represents V1. Light teal represents the corpus callosum. B, View of part of the P7 primary visual cortex at 4× magnification C, View of part of the P12 primary visual cortex at 4× magnification. Scale bar applies to all images. D, E, View of part of the P16 visual cortex from TR (D) and DR (E) mice at 4× magnification. F, G, View of part of the P21 visual cortex from TR (F) and DR (G) mice at 4× magnification. H, I, View of part of the P30 visual cortex from TR (H) and DR (I) mice at 4× magnification.