Fig. 5.
Schematic description of our model. We model individual-level transmission of SARS-CoV-2, in continuous time and space and over a heterogeneous landscape with varying population density over 100 m 100 m grids. Disease status of an individual is assumed to follow the susceptible–exposed–infectious–recovered framework. Infectiousness of an infectious individual is time dependent and decreases due to social distancing. Likelihood of transmission from the infectious individual to a susceptible individual, at distance and angle measured from the infectious source, is determined by 1) a spatial movement kernel (density) function with mean , 2) change of the mean movement distance due to a shelter-in-place order (informed by the aggregate mobility data), and 3) spatial distribution of population denoted by (i.e., detailed grid-level population density shown in the figure), which, all together, could more realistically account for heterogeneous mixing of individuals in the population (9).