Fig. 2.
Ex situ analysis on Ag/CoFe-AN before and after ECSR. (A) The TEM image of Ag/CoFe-AN. (B) The HRTEM image of Ag/CoFe-AN. The lattice spacing of 0.236 nm is assigned to the (111) planes of Ag. (C) HAADF-STEM image of Ag/CoFe-AN and related EDS mapping images. (D) The schematic illustration of the formation of Ag/CoFe-AN and the in situ catalyst. (E) Postmortem TEM image of Ag/CoFe-AN after ECSR. E, Inset reports the corresponding SAED image. (F) Postmortem HAADF-STEM image and related EDS mapping images. (G) Raman spectra for Ag/CoFe-AN before and after ECSR. (H) The HAADF-STEM image of annealed Ag/CoFe-AN after ECSR and the corresponding HAADF intensity line profiles. a.u., arbitrary units.