Table 6.
Theme | Sample responses |
Individual and program check-ins (instituted in response to COVID-19) | Daily PD calls during peak surge, weekly check-in Zoom meetings with hospital leaders that could directly answer questions, daily contact in some fashion through Zoom; open access to the DIO, PDs and APDs for any and all concerns, bidirectional conversations to provide support and solutions; PD at sign out virtually twice a day; weekly Zoom meeting with PDs, chair, residents to discuss issues and concerns, more frequent feedback and contact with mentors; buddy system (1 person on is paired with someone who was off); text check-ins with residents by PD and APD; PD weekly “fireside” chat with residents to address concerns, provide forum for open discussion; special wellness task force with weekly meetings |
Use of existing institutional and national resources | Information for wellness opportunities (eg free virtual yoga, meditation); 24/7 availability for residents through Employee Assistance Program, weekly wellness webinars; virtual meet and greets, access to therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists, virtual wellness camps and meetings; wellness center 24/7 hotlines, wellness bulletins; increased wellness sessions, access to online resources; access to free wellness apps; department wellness committee; meditation rooms, increased access to counseling; mindfulness sessions, chaplain counseling; lists of resources and free items for healthcare providers |
Scheduling | Reduced hospital time, more personal time; agreeable to a relaxed clinical schedule; can take a wellness day when needed, rotating groups of residents for 2 wk of educational time at home; increased time away from hospital, decreased shifts (no 24 h), increased number on team at a time; rotation of fellow with residents to give more time at home; ensuring scheduling is not overburdensome; created care teams to limit hours of exposure in hospital; rotational approach to clinical coverage with additional time out of clinic; time off after redeployments; minimizing COVID exposure and fear by offering "call team only" attendance with academic assignments on days "working from home"; protected time between scheduled shifts, rotating people between locations frequently so that they do not stay too long in any high-risk areas |
Communication | Solid information flow; increased communication and reassurance; weekly town hall meetings and daily email updates to keep people informed; we are maintaining open lines of communication to the residents, ensuring that their voices are heard; daily communications; DIO town halls, wellness emails from hospital leadership; daily PD calls during peak surge, weekly check-in Zoom with hospital leaders that could directly answer questions, daily contact in some fashion through Zoom; sending large numbers of emails with supportive phrases; ongoing conversations regarding the impact of COVID-19 on institutions, programs, individuals; weekly GME town halls with infectious disease doctors explaining changes |
Amenities (food, housing, childcare) | Providing additional childcare assistance; lots of food; hazard pay, transportation allowance, housing assistance; providing massages; free food and parking, sharing discounts from stores; lunch and dinner provided to all floor/ICUs, free haircuts by a barber, food in the resident lounges, housing for those concerned to go home if on a COVID floor, babysitting for those with childcare issues |
APD, associate program director; DIO, designated institutional officer; PD, program director.