Fig. 1. Physical and electrochemical characterization of pristine materials.
a XRD pattern of Na2/3Fe1/2Mn1/2O2. The inset shows the crystal structure and SEM image of the material. The scale bar in the SEM image corresponds to a length of 500 nm. b XRD pattern of LiNiO2. The inset shows the crystal structure and SEM image of the material. The scale bar in the SEM image corresponds to a length of 500 nm. c Charge and discharge curves of Na half cell containing the Na2/3Fe1/2Mn1/2O2 as the cathode material at a rate of C/10. d Charge and discharge curves of Na half cell containing the Na2/3Fe1/2Mn1/2O2 as the cathode material at a rate of 1C. e Charge and discharge curves of Li half cell containing the LiNiO2 as the cathode material at a rate of C/5. f Charge and discharge curves of Li half cell containing the LiNiO2 as the cathode material at a rate of 1C. The first cycle is at C/5 rate. The charge and discharge curves for both materials are plotted for up to 20 cycles.