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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Sep 1.
Published in final edited form as: Sleep Med. 2020 May 7;73:82–92. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2020.04.024

Table 1.

Sample characteristics prior to treatment (n=113).

All subjects SHE SRT CBTI
Sample size 113 42 37 34
Age (M±SD) 56.40±5.34y 57.21±5.30 56.68±5.18 55.09±5.46 F(2,110)=1.58, p=.21
Race (n;%)
 White 56; 49.6% 20; 47.6% 21; 56.8% 15; 44.1%
 Black 51; 45.1% 20; 47.6% 13; 35.1% 18; 54.5%
 Hispanic or Latinx 1; 0.9% -- 1; 2.7% --
 Not reported 5; 4.4% 2; 4.8% 2; 5.4% 1; 2.9%
Years since last menses (M±SD) 7.19±7.24 7.62±8.01 6.42±6.62 7.51±7.06 F(2,110)=.29, p=.75
Hormone Replacement Therapy (n;%) 3; 2.7% 2; 4.8% 1; 2.7% 0; 0.0% χ2=1.65, p=.44
Medical/Surgical Menopause (n;%) 27; 23.9% 7; 16.7% 9; 24.3% 11; 32.4% χ2=2.55, p=.28
ISI, prior to treatment (M±SD) 15.04±4.15 14.86±4.45 15.16±3.80 15.12±4.23 F(2,110)=.06, p=.94

Note: SHE = sleep hygiene education control. SRT = sleep restriction therapy. CBTI = cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia. PSG = polysomnography. m = minutes. Sleep latency = minutes from lights out to first epoch of sleep. Wake after sleep onset = minutes awake post sleep onset. Sleep efficiency = proportion of time in bed spent asleep X 100. Total sleep time = minutes spent asleep during total PSG recording. F = F-statistic for one-way analysis of variance to compare means across SHE, SRT, and CBTI groups. χ2 = chi-square statistic to compare proportions across SHE, SRT, and CBTI groups. p = significance vale.