Figure 4.
Comparing the performance of ML-based risk calculator and the statistically derived risk factors for (A) conventional risk factors and (B) integrated risk factors. (A) Given the 14 CCVRF, the performance of CVRCML (conventional) was compared against the 12 types of CVRCStat (conventional). (B) Given the integrated risk factors, the performance of CVRCML (integrated) was compared against the CVRCStat (integrated) (AECRS2.0). The black arrow in Figure 4A indicates the dotted black colored, receiver operating characteristics curve of the CVRCML (conventional) with 14 CCVRF. CVRCML, ML-based cardiovascular risk calculator; CVRCStat, statistically derived cardiovascular risk calculator; FRS, Framingham Risk Score; UKPDS56, United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study 56; RRS, Reynold Risk Score; ASCVD, atherosclerosis CVD calculator by ACC/AHA; SCORE, Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation chart; WHO, World Health Organization chart; FRS (Stroke), Framingham Stroke Risk Calculator; MSRC, My_Stroke Risk Calculator; AECRS2.0, AtheroEdge Composite Risk Score version 2.