Figure 9.
Group responses to taltirelin at the hypoglossal motoneuron pool across sleep and awake states in protocol 2a. The group data show the effects of microperfusion of ACSF and taltirelin (1 and 10 μM) into the hypoglossal motoneuron pool on respiratory rate (A), diaphragm amplitude (B), neck EMG (C), percent time spent in each sleep–wake state (D), number of sleep–wake episodes per hour (E), sleep–wake episode durations (F), total power in the EEG (G), and delta (0.5–4 Hz) power (H). The symbol * indicates p < 0.05 for 1 and/or 10 μM taltirelin versus the baseline ACSF controls (i.e. [taltirelin] of 0 μM). The symbol # indicates p < 0.05 for 10 μM taltirelin versus 1 μM; AU, arbitrary units. See text for further details.