Infection |
Foetopathogenic bacteria |
Infection with a significant bacterium: Bacillus licheniformis, Campylobacter foetus, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Dublin, Trueperella pyogenes, etc |
Pure heavy growth in culture of pathogenic species from abomasal contents/foetal tissues or nearly pure/mixed growth with associated lesions consistent with foetal sepsis/placentitis (in particular for potential contaminants, e.g. E. coli). If isolated from placenta only, associated intra-lesional bacterial placentitis. |
Chlamydophilia/Parachlamydiacae |
Detection of organism in the placenta, foetal tissue or abomasal contents (e.g. MZN smear, PCR, IHC) confirmed by histopathology |
Coxiella burnetii |
Detection of organism in the placenta, foetal tissue or abomasal contents (e.g. MZN smear, PCR, IHC) confirmed by histopathological lesions (e.g. necrotising placentitis); Detection of the organism in the absence of lesions indicates very acute recent infection. |
Leptospira spp (e.g. Hardjo, Grippotyphosa, Australis)
Detection of pathogenic antigen (e.g. PCR/FAT/IHC-positive) in foetal tissues (e.g. kidney, spleen) with accompanying lesions or detection of high foetal antibody titre indicating recent infection |
Foetopathogenic fungi |
Aspergillus app, zygomycetes, yeasts, etc |
Detection of fungal hyphea in abomasal contents/placenta (e.g. wet prep, culture) with associated gross/histopathology lesions (e.g. foetal dermatitis, IUGR, placentitis, hepatomegaly) |
Foetopathogenic parasite |
Neospora caninum |
Detection of histological lesions (characteristic neuropathology, myocardial necrosis, multifocal placentitis; cause) and the parasite antigen in foetal tissues (e.g. PCR; infection) +/− foetal antibodies (exposure) |
Foetopathogenic viruses |
BoHV-I, 4 |
Detection of viral antigen in foetal tissues (e.g. liver, spleen, adrenal) +/− lesions, e.g. focal necrotising hepatitis, placentitis |
BVDv |
Detection of viral antigen in foetal tissues (e.g. spleen, thymus, adrenal, ear) and gross/histopathology lesions |
Detection of two or more syndromic gross lesions (arthrogryposis, hydranencephaly, torticollis, scoliosis, kyphosis, brachygnathia inferior) and foetal antigen (e.g. PCR). |
Infectious lesions |
Compelling lesions indicative of infection |
Gross/histological lesions consistent with exposure/response to infection e.g. pericarditis, meningoencephalitis, enteritis omphalo-peritonitis, pleuropneumonia, lymphadenomegaly, systemic sepsis (lesions in at least two organs) and placentitis. |