Correlation analyses between programmed cell death protein 1 (PD‐1)+ follicular helper T cells (Tfh), inducible co‐stimulator (ICOS)+ Tfh cells, ICOS+PD‐1+ Tfh cells and serum interleukin (IL)‐4 and IL‐21. (a) Serum IL‐4 and IL‐21 were measured by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). IL‐4 and IL‐21 levels of active ulcerative colitis (UC) patients (n = 34), stable remission UC patients (n = 34) and healthy controls (n = 34) were compared. ***P < 0·001; **P < 0·01; n.s. = not significant. (b,c) Correlation analyses were conducted between ICOS+ Tfh, PD‐1+Tfh or ICOS+PD‐1+Tfh cells and serum IL‐4 (b)/IL‐21 (c) levels. Data were from 68 UC patients. The r‐ and P‐values for each parameter are listed. For P‐values less than 0·05, data are present as scatter‐plots with linear fit.