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. 2020 Aug 31;11:1896. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01896


Summary of socio-demographic characteristics of participants.

Variable Overall N (%) Male n (%) Female n (%)
406 (100) 204 (50.2) 202 (49.8)
Mean (SD) 1.5(0.50) 1.48(0.50) 1.55(0.40)
15–16 196 (48.28) 91 (44.61) 105 (51.98)
17–19 210(51.72) 97 (48.02) 113(55.39)
None 38 (9.45) 19(50) 19(50)
Primary 141(35.07) 82(58.16) 59(41.84)
Secondary 223(55.47) 102(45.74) 121 (54.26)
Ethnic Group
Chewa 80 (19.70) 42 (52.50) 38(47.50)
Tonga 18 (4.43) 10(55.56) 8 (44.44)
Sena 26 (6.40) 15(42.32) 11(57.68)
Lhlomwe 101 (24.88) 45(44.55) 56(55.45)
Ngoni 79 (19.46) 43(54.43) 36(45.57)
Tumbuka 40(9.85) 20(50) 20(50)
Yao 34 (8.37) 17(50) 17(50)
Mang’anja 12 (2.96) 4(33.33) 8(66.67)
Don’t Know 12 (2.96) 6(50) 6(50)
Other 4 (0.99) 2(50) 2(50)
Protestants 205 (50.49) 108(52.68) 97(47.32)
Catholics 83 (20.44) 38(45.78) 45(54.22)
Moslems 28 (6.90) 17(60.71) 11(39.29)
Pentecostals 86 (21.18) 39(45.35) 47(54.65)
Other 4 (0.99) 2(50) 2(50)
Ever had a baby
Yes 12 (2.9) 3(1.5) 9(4.5)
No 394(97) 201(98) 193(95)
Death in the family
Yes 253(63.3) 129(64.2) 124(62.3)
No 147(36.57) 72(35.8) 75(37.7)
Person who died
Mother 78(31.2) 35(27.6) 43(34.9)
Father 98(39.2) 52(40.9) 46(37.4)
Brother 24(9.6) 15(11.8) 9(7.3)
Sister 19(7.6) 9(7.0) 10(8.3)
Grandparent 4(2) 3(2.3) 1(1)
Aunt 18(7.2) 11(8.7) 7(5.7)
Ever moved houses
Yes 207(50.9) 104(50.2) 103(49.8)
No 199(49.0) 100(50.3) 99(49.8)
Frequency of changing homes
Once 63(30.7) 31(49.2) 32(50.7)
Twice 53(25.9) 25(47.2) 28(52.8)
Three or more times 67(32.7) 37(55.2) 30(44.8)
I do not know 19(9.3) 8(42.1) 11(57.9)
Other 3(1.5) 2(66.6) 1(33.3)
Sleeping spaces
Alone 167 (41.2) 91(54.5) 76(45.5)
With 2 or three people 120 (29.6) 61(50.8) 59(49.2)
More than 4 people 84 (20.7) 36(42.9) 48(57.4)
I do not know 24 (5.9) 12(50) 12(50)
Other 10 (2.5) 4(40) 6(60)
Number of meals per day
One meal 11(2.7) 6(54.6) 5(45.5)
Two meals 47(11.6) 29(61.7) 18(38.3)
Three meals or more 322(79.5) 155(48.1) 167(51.2)
I do not know 19(4.7) 11(57.8) 8(42.1)
Other 6(1.5) 5(50) 3(50)