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. 2020 Sep 13;10(9):e034702. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034702

Table 2.

Distribution of maternal and infant characteristics

Maternal characteristics (n=1143) N % Infant characteristics (n=971) N %
Age at intake Gender
 16–19 years 142 12.6  Male 510 52.5
 20–24 years 260 22.8  Female 457 47.1
 25–29 years 291 25.5  Missing 4 0.4
 30–34 years 268 23.5 Birth status
 35–39 years 140 12.3  Live birth 947 97.5
 40+years 39 3.4  Stillbirth 23 2.4
 Missing 1 0.1  Missing 1 0.1
Parity Birth weight (in grams)
 0 previous live births 384 33.7  Low birth weight (<2500) 127 13.1
 One previous live birth 312 27.3  Normal birth weight (≥2500) 835 86.0
 Two previous live births 187 16.4  Missing 9 0.9
 Three previous live births 112 9.8 Gestational age (in weeks)
 4+previous live births 146 12.8  Very preterm births (22+0–32+6) 39 4.0
 Missing 2 0.2  Moderately preterm births (33+0–36+6) 107 11.0
 Term births (≥37+0) 817 84.1
Ethnicity  Missing 8 0.8
 Creole 249 21.8 Apgar score at 5 min
 Hindustani 233 20.4  0–6 31 3.2
 Indigenous 155 13.6  7–10 918 94.5
 Javanese 101 8.8  Missing 22 2.3
 Tribal 271 23.7
 Mixed 127 11.1
 Other 7 0.6
 Missing 0 0.0
Educational level
 No or primary 276 24.1
 Lower vocational/secondary 382 33.4
 Upper vocational/secondary 317 27.7
 Tertiary 168 14.7
 Missing 0 0.0
 Household income SRD*
  <1500 401 35.1
  1500–2999 362 33.0
  3000–4999 221 20.2
  5000+ 112 9.8
  Missing 47 4.1
 Marital status
  Married or living with partner 1000 87.6
  Not married/not living with partner 141 12.4
  Missing 2 0.2

*Surinamese Dollar, equivalent to US$0.13.

SRD, Surinamese Dollar.