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. 2020 Mar 3;66(4):349–360. doi: 10.1177/0020764020908889

Table 3.

Between-group differences (self-harm vs. no self-harm; income groups; age groups; sexual orientation groups and gender) for key variables and their respective 95% confidence intervals and effect sizes.

Variables Self-harm
N = 163
No self-harm
N = 122
Independent samples t-tests Cohen’s d 95% CI
Depression 14.96 6.38 11.03 4.03 .074 –5.28, –2.07
Suicidal ideation 3.09 .61 2.38 .59 .090 –.857, –.562
Psychological distress 28.69 8.18 23.07 8.15 .069 –7.47, –3.36
Internalized homophobia 4.12 .85 3.75 .77 .045 –.598, –.180
Discrimination 10.11 5.49 7.18 4.59 .058 –4.05, –1.50
LGB victimization 12.95 5.34 11.04 4.03 .040 –2.94, –.657
Self-harm Chi-squared Phi/Cramer’s V P value
Age group 18–24 years old 34% .310 .000
Age group 25–34 years old 40%
Age group 35–44 years old 20%
Age group 45+ years old 5.5%
Income group less than £10,000 41% .183 .046
Income group £10,000–£24,999 32%
Income group £25,000–£34,999 13.2%
Income group £35,000 and more 14%
Females 68% .193 .001
Males 33%
Sexual orientation: Gay 31% .250 .003
Sexual orientation: Lesbian 31%
Sexual orientation: Bisexual 18%

CI: confidence interval; SD: standard deviation; LGB: lesbian, gay and bisexual.