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. 2020 Sep 14;19(11):102666. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2020.102666

Table 1.

Comparison between COVID-19, anti-MDA5 dermatomyositis and classic dermatomyositis.

COVID-19 Anti-MDA5 dermatomyositis with ILD Classic dermatomyositis with ILD
Epidemiology Prevalence More than two million cases globally Rare Rare
Geographic clusters First reports in China, (now in all continents) Mainly reported in east Asia None
Sex predominance None None Female predominance
Natural history Severe and rapidly progressive disease in about 20% of cases Rapidly progressive Slowly progressive
Recurrence Unknown Rare Relapsing-remitting
Mortality rate High Very high High
Pathogenesis Association with viral infection Proven association with SARS-CoV-2 infection Possible trigger of picoRNA- or other viruses Debated triggering role of viruses
Inflammatory state High grade systemic inflammation High grade systemic inflammation Low-moderate grade systemic inflammation
Prothrombotic state and endothelial dysfunction Hallmark of the disease Hallmark of the disease Hallmark of the disease
Autoantibody mediated injury Possible cross-reactivity of induced antibodies Postulated direct role of anti-MDA5 Debated direct pathogenetic role
Lung histopathology DAD and microangiopathy DAD and microangiopathy NSIP and OP
Clinical manifestations Lung disease Almost always present Almost always present Common
Myositis Mild-absent Mild-absent Almost always present
Skin and peripheral vascular involvement Common Almost always present Almost always present
Fever Almost always present Very common Uncommon
Association with cancer Absent Rare Possible
Diagnosis and monitoring CK Mild-moderate high Mild-moderate high Very high
Ferritin High High Normal or slightly increased
Lymphocytes Commonly low Occasionally low Occasionally low
CRP Very high Very high Usually normal
ESR High High High
Antinuclear Antibodies Unknown Negative Usually positive
Antiphospholipid antibodies Possibly positive Possibly positive Possibly positive
CT scan of the chest Bilateral GGO or consolidation in posterior and peripheral lungs Bilateral GGO or consolidation in posterior and peripheral lungs Bilateral peribronchovascular GGO or consolidation
Nailfold capillaroscopy Unknown Enlarged capillaries, hemorragias, neovascularization Enlarged capillaries, hemorragias, neovascularization
Treatment Corticosteroids Under investigation Commonly used Commonly used
Anti-IL6 Under investigation Unknown efficacy Unknown efficacy
Anti-IL1 Under investigation Unknown efficacy Unknown efficacy
JAK-inhibitors Under investigation Under investigation Under investigation
Anti-CD20 Not suitable Rescue therapy Rescue therapy

ILD interstitial lung disease, DAD diffuse alveolar damage, NSIP nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, OP organizing pneumonia, CK creatine kinase, CRP C reactive protein, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CT computed tomography, GGO ground glass opacities, IL interleukin, JAK Janus kinase.