Figure 8.
Epicardial RF Ablation Guided by Real-Time Phase PRF MRT: Preclinical Feasibility Study in a Pig Model
In vivo temperature difference maps (A) shown at different time points relative to the start of RF heating. Localized temperature elevation can be clearly visualized on the epicardial side of the left ventricle. (B) Time courses of temperature differences for three selected voxels (indicated by pixel points #1 to #3 in the top left image of this panel), obtained using cardiac MR thermometry during epicardial ablation in swine. A maximum temperature elevation of 30°C–35°C was observed for a voxel within 2 mm of the RF catheter tip, Point #1 (in comparison with a more remote voxel in myocardium, Point #2). No significant temperature elevation was observed for a voxel located in a very remote area, Point #3. 2D lesion dimensions measured using MR dosimetry (C) correlated well with measurements by gross macroscopy with mild overestimation of lesion width.
Reproduced from Mukherjee et al. (2018), no permission required.