Table 1. Distribution of Various Clinical, Pathological, and Social Factors in the Cohort .
Parameter | No. (%)a |
Total No. | 400 |
Age, median (IQR), y | 49 (41-56) |
≤60 | 336 (84.0) |
>60 | 64 (16.0) |
Sex | |
Male | 334 (83.5) |
Female | 66 (16.5) |
Education | |
<Secondary school | 150 (37.5) |
>Secondary school | 250 (62.5) |
Subsite | |
Tongue | 175 (43.8) |
Buccal mucosa, alveolus, or RMT | 212 (53.0) |
Otherb | 13 (3.3) |
Stage | |
Early | 123 (30.8) |
Advanced | 277 (69.3) |
pT stage | |
T1 | 74 (18.5) |
T2 | 146 (36.5) |
T3 | 65 (16.3) |
T4a | 115 (28.7) |
pN stage | |
N0 | 232 (58.0) |
N+ | 168 (42.0) |
Adjuvant therapy | |
Adjuvant RT | 205 (51.2) |
Adjuvant CTRT | 143 (35.8) |
Follow-up preference | |
Every 3 mo | 276 (69.0) |
Telephone questionnaire and every 6 mo | 124 (31.0) |
Acceptability | |
Yes | 385 (96.3) |
No | 11 (2.8) |
Maybe | 4 (1.0) |
Financial implications of present visit | |
Not at all | 9 (2.3) |
Little bit | 96 (24.0) |
Somewhat | 196 (49.0) |
Very much | 99 (24.8) |
Expenditure, median (IQR), ₹ | 5000 (2000-7000) |
Duration of travel, median (IQR), h | 28.5 (20-36) |
Abbreviations: CTRT, chemoradiotherapy; IQR, interquartile range; pN, pathological nodal stage; pT, pathological tumor; RMT, retromolar trigone; RT, radiotherapy.
Values are expressed as No. (%) unless otherwise specified.
Other subsites consist of the floor of the mouth, lip, and palate.