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. 2020 Sep 14;15(9):e0239097. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239097

Table 2. ROS production of K. alvarezii incubated at different temperatures.

Temperature (°C) Absolute DCF fluorescense
Number of hours
0 1 2 24 48
28 4835 ± 782a 7871 ± 965cd 5794 ± 735 ab 4740 ± 673 a 4201 ± 671a
32 4890 ± 391a 7702 ± 888bcd 5575 ± 464 a 5648 ± 992 a 4928 ± 762a
36 4783 ± 530a 14197 ± 297e 6660 ± 713abc 6120 ± 715abc 5102 ± 837a
40 4826 ± 679 a 24941 ± 921f 8276 ± 685 d 8244 ± 581d 5298 ± 725 a

Data shown are mean values and standard deviations (n = 5). Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (p<0.05) between different temperature treatments and sampling time points.