(A) SWA power (normalized to average SWA power over 24 hr) declines over the light phase as shown in a Mef2cf/f mouse. (B) The decline is less apparent in an example from a Mef2c-cKOCamk2a-Cre mouse. (C) Pooled data (Mef2cf/f, n = 6; Mef2c-cKOCamk2a-Cre, n = 11; C57BL/6, n = 6) SWA power decay over the light phase for WT (BL/6), Mef2cf/f and Mef2c-cKOCamk2a-Cre. (D) The average waking SWA power in 24 hr is similar for Mef2c-cKOCamk2a-Cre and Mef2cf/f and is used as a normalizing factor to assess averaged SWS episode power. (E) SWS-SWA power over time from an average of SWS episodes aligned from the time of transition from waking to SWS, set to t = 0. The time constant of decay, τ = 8.4 min, was calculated by best fit of the decay of power for the Mef2cf/f but the decay fit was indeterminate for Mef2c-cKOCamk2a-Cre (see Materials and methods section for details). By setting τ = 8.4 min, a best fit to single exponential decay provided a plateau value (minimal value), an extrapolated peak value and an indication of goodness of fit in comparison to Mef2cf/f. The SWS-SWA power for Mef2c-cKOCamk2a-Cre mice is greater than Mef2cf/f as determined by the plateau value (Plt) and the peak value. The quality of the fit is reduced as indicated by the R2 value. (F) The average SWS-SWA power of each genotype following repeated, regular bouts of 4 hr SD, was significantly increased compared to SWS-SWA power under baseline conditions. Mef2c-cKOCamk2a-Cre mice failed to show this rebound response to sleep loss. (G) The time course of rebound across the 8 × 4 hr SD periods indicates that the lack of rebound in Mef2c-cKOCamk2a-Cre is particularly prominent during the dark phase.