Fig. 5. Specimens of Triplopus? youjingensis sp. nov. and Gobioceras wangi gen. et sp. nov. from the base of the Arshanto Formation in the Erlian Basin.
a T.? youjingensis, right mandible with p2–m3 (IVPP V 26248, holotype) in occlusal (a1), buccal (a2), and lingual (a3) views; b–d G. wangi, b right mandible with m1–3 (IVPP V 26249, holotype) in occlusal (b1), buccal (b2), and lingual (b3) views; c right M3 (IVPP V 26250.1) in occlusal (c1), buccal (c2), and lingual (c3) views; d fragmentary M2 ectoloph (IVPP V 26250.2) in occlusal (d1) and buccal (d2) views.