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. 2020 May 29;10(4):673–697. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2020.05.007

Figure 5.

Figure 5

IL23 promotes induction of ROS pathways in human macrophages. (A–C) MDMs were treated with 10 ng/mL IL23 or IL12 for 48 hours. (A) Representative flow cytometry for ROS with mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) values and summary graph with MFI (n = 8 from 2 independent experiments). (B and C) NADPH oxidase members were assessed by (B) flow cytometry (MFI) (n = 4, similar results in an additional 6 donors) or (C) Western blot. (D–J) MDMs were transfected with scrambled or the indicated siRNAs, alone or in combination (comb). (D and E) Effective knockdown by (D) flow cytometry (n = 4) or (E) Western blot. (F) ROS production (n = 12 from 2 independent experiments). (G) Intracellular bacterial clearance (CFU) (n = 12 from 2 independent experiments). (H and I) Cells then were treated with 10 ng/mL IL23 or IL12 for 48 hours (n = 10 from 2 independent experiments). (H) ROS production (MFI) or (I) intracellular clearance of E faecalis or AIEC (CFU). (J) Cell death per annexin V+ cells (n = 4). A total of 50–100 J/m2 UV-treated cells served as a positive control. Means + SEM. ∗∗P < .01, ∗∗∗P < .001, P <1 × 10-4, and ††P <1 × 10-5. NT, no treatment; scr, scrambled; Tx, treatment.