Fig. 2. Comparison of the abundance of the contaminated contigs.
The x and y axes represent log10 (normalized read counts + 1) of the contig in the respective libraries. Blue and orange dots represent bacterial and parabasalian contigs, respectively. a Pair plot comparison of cross-contaminated contigs assigned to Bacteria or Parabasalia between the libraries targeted Pseudotrichonympha grassii (Pg) and Holomastigotoides hartmanni (Hh). b Pair plot comparison of all the contaminated contigs between Pg and Hh libraries. c Pair plot comparison of the cross-contaminated contigs assigned to Bacteria or Parabasalia between the Cononympha leidyi (Cl) and Hh targeted libraries. d Pair plot comparison of all the contaminated contigs between Cl and Hh libraries. All of the pairwise comparisons between libraries of different species are given in Supplementary Figs. 3–6.