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. 2020 Aug;32(4):530–539. doi: 10.21147/j.issn.1000-9604.2020.04.10

4. Factors affecting overall diagnostic yield of EBUS-GS in PPLs (N=109).

Variables Total (N) Diagnostic yield by
EBUS-GS [n (%)]
Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
OR (95% CI) P OR (95% CI) P
EBUS-GS, endobronchial ultrasonography with guide sheath; PPL, peripheral pulmonary lesion; CT, computed tomography; Within type, the probe was placed in a bronchus that ran inside the lesion; Adjacent type, the probe was placed in a bronchus that ran alongside the lesion; Without type, the probe was placed in a bronchus that far from the lesion or the probe could not access the lesion for exploration; OR, odds ratio; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval.
 Female 49 37 (75.5) 1
 Male 60 44 (77.3) 1.121 (0.471−2.668) 0.796
Age (year)
 >60 50 35 (70.0) 1
 ≤60 59 46 (78.0) 1.516 (0.640−3.595) 0.344
Lesion size on CT (mm)
 ≤20 44 27 (61.4) 1
 >20 65 54 (83.1) 3.091 (1.272−7.521) 0.013 2.758 (1.077−7.062) 0.034
Lobe location on CT
 Lower lobe 32 21 (65.6) 1
 Upper lobe 66 51 (77.3) 1.781 (0.703−4.511) 0.224
 Middle lobe 11 9 (81.8) 2.357 (0.432−12.864) 0.322
Lung field on CT
 Intermediate band 60 43 (71.7) 1
 Lateral band 49 38 (77.6) 1.366 (0.569−3.276) 0.485
Bronchus sign on CT
 Absent 27 16 (59.3) 1
 Present 82 65 (79.3) 2.629 (1.032−6.696) 0.043 1.679 (0.582−4.842) 0.337
Probe position on EBUS
 Adjacent or without type 46 27 (58.7) 1
 Within type 63 54 (85.7) 4.222 (1.686−10.572) 0.002 3.174 (1.151−8.757) 0.026
Sample methods
 Single use 19 11 (57.9) 1
 Combined use 90 67 (74.4) 2.545 (0.902−7.183) 0.078 1.350 (0.410−4.445) 0.622