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. 2020 Sep 15;41(11):3039–3056. doi: 10.1007/s10072-020-04708-8

Table 3.

Clinical, laboratory, treatment, and outcome of COVID-19-related GBS and Miller-Fisher syndrome

References Age/sex Preceding illness Time to GBS Symptoms/signs Lab tests Nerve conduction test Treatment/outcome
Alberti et al./July 2020 [32] 71/M Fever NA Paraesthesias in all 4 limbs, areflexic flaccid quadriparesis, dyspnoea Oropharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, CSF-albumin-cells diss., CT chest—B/L ground-glass opacities AIDP Mechanical ventilation, HCQ, lopinavir, ritonavir, IVIG/died
Farzi et al./June 2020 [33] 41/M Fever, cough, dyspnea 17 days Parasthesia, quadreparesis B/L ground-glass opacities in lungs AIDP IVIG/improved
Hutchins KL et al./June 2020 [34] 21/M Fever, cough, dyspnea, headache, nasal congestion 16 days Bifacial weakness, facial parasthesia, grade 4/5 power in limbs Bilateral lung infiltrates, Gadolinium enhancement of bilateral 6th, 7th, and right 3rd cranial nerves Mixed type sensory motor polyneuropathy 5-cycle plasma exchange/improved
Webb et al./June 2020 [35] 57/M Cough, headache, myalgia, malaise 7 days Sensory motor flaccid quadriparesis, areflexia Left lower lobe consolidation, lymphopenia, raised CRP Demyelinating neuropathy Mechanical ventilation, IVIG/improved
Kilinc et al./June 2020 [36] 50/M Dry cough 4 weeks Sensory motor quadriparesis, bifacial paralysis Cranial MRI normal, faecal PCR-positive for SARS-CoV-2 Demyelinating neuropathy IVIG/improved
Helbok et al./June 2020 [37] 68/M Dry cough, headache, fatigue, myalgia, fever 14 days Sensory motor quadriparesis Raised serum IgG, IgM for SARS-CoV-2, raised ESR, CRP, LDH, fibrinogen, B/L ground-glass opacities in lungs Demyelinating neuropathy NIV, plasma exchange/improved
Sancho-Saldaña et al./June 2020 [38] 56/M Fever, dry cough, dyspnea 15 days Sensory motor quadriparesis, bifacial paralysis, oropharyngeal weakness Lobar consolidation in lung, brain stem, and spinal cord leptomeningeal enhancement, CSF-albumin-cytological dissociation Demyelinating neuropathy IVIG/improved
Oguz-Akarsu et al./June 2020 [39] 53/F No preceding infection/vaccination NA Dysarthria due to jaw weakness, predominant lower limb weakness Ground-glass opacities lung fields, hyperintensity of post-ganglionic roots of brachial lumbar plexuses Demyelinating neuropathy HCQ, azithromycin/improved
Lascano et al./June 2020 (3 patients) [40] NA Typical COVID-related symptoms 7, 15, and 22 days, respectively Tetraparesis 2, tetraplegia 1, bifacial paralysis, and bulbar symptom 1 Lumbar root enhancement 1, CSF-albumin-cytological dissociation 2, lymphopenia 2 Demyelinating neuropathy 3 IVIG 3/1 patient discharged, 1 walked with assistance, 1 bed-bound
Chan et al./May 2020 [41] 8/M5 Exposed to relative working in meat-processing plant 20 days after exposure Bifacial paralysis, no limb weakness Persistent thrombocytosis, B/L ground-glass opacities in lungs, CSF-albumin-cytological dissociation Absent blink reflex bilateral, absent F-wave in left tibial nerve IVIG/some improvement
Riva et al./May 2020 [42] In sixties Fever, headache, myalgia, anosmia, ageusia 20 days Sensory motor quadriparesis, bifacial paralysis, dysarthria, dysphagia B/L ground-glass opacities lungs, raised acute-phase reactants, SARS-CoV-2 IgG-positive Demyelinating neuropathy Mechanical ventilation, IVIG/slow improvement
Zhao et al./May 2020 [43] 61/F No preceding illness Not known Acute paraparesis, areflexic ascending quadriparesis, sensory deficit in hands and feet CSF-albumin-cells diss. thrombocytopenia, lymphocytopenia, oropharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive AIDP IVIG, lopinavir, ritonavir, arbidol/recovered
Scheidl et al./May 2020 [44] 54/F Hypo-osmia, dysgeusia 14 days Acute areflexic flaccid paraparesis, tingling sensations in all 4 limbs Oropharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, CSF-albumin-cells diss., negative SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR AIDP IVIG/recovered
Ottaviani et al./May 2020 [45] 66/F Fever, cough 10 days Acute areflexic paraparesis, falls, facial nerve palsy Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 positive, CSF-albumin-cells diss., negative SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR, CT chest—B/L ground-glass opacities Absent F waves, prolonged distal latencies, reduced distal CMAP amplitude, slightly reduced conduction velocities (AIDP) Mechanical ventilation, IVIG, lopinavir, ritonavir/poor
Caamaño et al./May 2020 [46] 61/M Fever, cough 10 days Right facial palsy-LMN followed by left facial palsy, absent blink reflex Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 positive, CSF—mildly raised protein, CT chest—B/L pneumonia Not done HCQ, lopinavir, ritonavir, prednisolone/minimal improvement
Chan et al./May 2020 [47] 68/M Fever, URTI 18 days B/L hands and feet paraesthesia, ataxia, areflexic flaccid paraparesis, B/L facial palsy, dysarthria, dysphagia Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, CSF-albumin-cells diss., negative SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR, CT chest—B/L ground-glass opacities Not done Plasmapheresis/progressive improvement
84/M Fever 23 days B/L hands and feet paraesthesias, areflexic flaccid quadriparesis, B/L facial palsy, respiratory failure, dysautonomia Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, elevated GM2 IgM/IgG antibodies, CSF-albumin-cells diss., negative SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR, CT chest—B/L ground-glass opacities Not done Plasmapheresis, mechanical ventilation, IVIG/residual weakness
Bigaut et al/Sep, May 2020 [48] 48/M Cough, asthenia, myalgia, anosmia, ageusia 21 days Flaccid paraparesis, generalized areflexia, lower limb and distal upper limb paresthesia, ataxia, facial palsy Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, CSF-albumin-cells diss., negative SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR, MRI-radiculitis and plexitis on both brachial and lumbar plexus; multiple cranial neuritis (in nerves III, VI, VII, and VIII) CT chest-ground-glass opacities in B/L lung fields AIDP IVIG/progressive improvement
70/F Anosmia, ageusia, diarrhoea, myalgia 10 days Flaccid tetraparesis, generalized areflexia, forelimb paresthesia, respiratory failure Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, CSF-albumin-cells diss., negative SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR, CT chest—B/L ground-glass opacities AIDP IVIG, NIV/progressive improvement
Assini et al./May 2020 [49] 55/M Fever, cough, anosmia, ageusia, dyspnoea 20 days B/L ptosis, dysphagia, dysphonia, B/L masseter weakness, B/L hypoglossal nerve palsy, hyporeflexia in B/L upper and lower limbs Oropharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, raised ferritin, LDH, lymphocytopenia, CSF-increased IgG/Alb ratio, oligoclonal bands present in CSF and serum AIDP Mechanical ventilation, arbidol, lopinavir, ritonavir, IVIG/improved
60/M Fever, cough, dyspnoea 20 days Acute areflexic paraparesis, autonomic dysfunction Oropharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, raised ferritin, LDH, lymphocytopenia, CSF-increased IgG/Alb ratio, oligoclonal bands present in CSF and serum, CT chest—interstitial pneumonia AMSAN Mechanical ventilation, HCQ, tocilizumab, IVIG/improved
Gigli et al./May 2020 [50] 53/M Fever, diarrhoea NA Parasthesias, ataxia SARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgM-positive in blood and CSF, CSF-albumin-cell diss., CT chest—B/L ground-glass opacities AIDP NA/NA
Arnaud et al./May 2020 [51] 64/M Fever, cough, dyspnoea, diarrhoea 21 days Acute areflexic flaccid paraparesis, hypoesthesia Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, CSF-albumin-cells diss., CT chest-diffuse GGO with crazy paving appearance AIDP Azithromycin, HCQ, IVIG/improved
Rana et al./May 2020 [52] 54/M Rhinorrhea, odynophagia, fever, chills, night sweats 2 weeks Quadriparesis, bifacial weakness, mild ophthalmoparesis, difficulty in urination B/L basal lungs infiltrates/atelectasis Demyelinating neuropathy HCQ, azithromycin, oral vancomycin/improving
Su et al./May 2020 [53] 72/M Diarrhoea, anorexia, chills, no fever 6 days Ascending sensory motor quadriparesis, dysautonomia, SIADH CSF-albumin-cytological dissociation, bibasilar atelectasis with consolidation Demyelinating neuropathy Mechanical ventilation, antibiotics/persistent weakness
Pfeferkorn et al./May 2020 [54] 51/M Fever, dry cough, fatigue 14 days Progressive areflexic flaccid quadriparesis, sensory loss in all extremities, B/L facial and hypoglossal paresis, respiratory failure Oropharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, CSF-albumin-cells diss., CT chest—B/L interstitial infiltrates, MRI spine-contrast enhancement of the spinal nerve roots at all levels of the spine including the cauda equina AIDP Mechanical ventilation, IVIG, plasma exchange/poor with residual weakness
Sedaghat Z et al, April, 2020 [55] 65/M Cough, fever, dyspnoea 14 days Areflexic ascending quadriparesis, facial diplegia Oropharyngeal swab RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, CT chest: consolidations, ground-glass opacities in both lungs AMSAN Lopinavir, ritonavir, HCQ, azithromycin, IVIG/improved
Toscano G et al./April 2020 [56] 77/F Fever, cough, ageusia 7 days Paresthesia hands/feet areflexic quadriparesis, facial palsy, respiratory failure Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 positive, lymphocytopenia, CSF-albumin-cells dissociation, antiganglioside Ab—negative, MRI spine-enhancement of caudal nerve roots, CT chest—interstitial pneumonia AMSAN, fibrillation potentials on EMG + 2 cycles of IVIG/poor outcome, residual weakness, and dysphagia
23/M Fever, pharyngitis 10 days Lower limb paresthesia, facial diplegia, areflexia, ataxia Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, lymphocytopenia, CSF-albumin-cells diss., MRI head-enhancement facial nerves, CT chest—normal AMSAN, fibrillation potentials on EMG IVIG/improvement
55/M Fever, cough 10 days Lower limb weakness, paresthesia, neck pain, areflexic quadriparesis, facial palsy, respiratory failure Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, lymphocytopenia, CSF-albumin-cells dissociation, antiganglioside Ab—negative, MRI spine-enhancement of caudal nerve roots, CT chest—interstitial pneumonia AMAN, fibrillation potentials on EMG + 2 cycles of IVIG/poor outcome, residual weakness
76/M Cough, hyposmia 5 days Lumbar pain and lower limb weakness, areflexic quadriparesis, ataxia Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, lymphocytopenia, CSF—normal, MRI spine and head—normal, CT chest—normal AIDP, no fibrillation potentials on EMG IVIG/ poor, mild improvement
61/M Cough, ageusia, anosmia 7 days Lower limb weakness, paresthesia, areflexic paraparesis, facial palsy, respiratory failure Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-negative, SARS-CoV-2 IgG-positive lymphocytopenia, CSF—normal, antiganglioside Ab—negative, MRI spine—normal, CT chest—interstitial pneumonia AIDP, fibrillation potentials on EMG + IVIG, plasma exchange/poor outcome, ventilator-dependent
Virani et al./April 2020 [57] 54/M Fever, dry cough 10 days Numbness and weakness in B/L lower limbs, areflexic quadriparesis Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, MRI spine—normal, CT chest—B/L basilar opacities Not done Mechanical ventilation, IVIG, HCQ/improved
Padroni et al./April 2020 [58] 70/F Fever, dry cough 24 days Hands and feet paraesthesias, gait difficulties Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, CSF-albumin-cell diss., CT chest—B/L ground-glass opacities AIDP Mechanical ventilation, IVIG/poor
Coen et al./April 2020 [59] 70/M Fatigue, myalgia, dry cough 10 days Paraesthesias, distal allodynia, urinary retention, constipation, areflexic flaccid paraparesis Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 positive, CSF-albumin-cells diss., negative SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR, CT chest—B/L ground-glass opacities AIDP IVIG/improved
El Otmani et al./April 2020 [60] 70/F Fever, dry cough 3 days Acute flaccoid areflexic quadriparesis Oropharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, CSF-albumin-cells diss., CT chest-ground-glass opacities in the left lung AMSAN IVIG, HCQ, azithromycin/improved
Marta-Enguita et al./April 2020 [61] 76/F Fever, cough 8 days Lower backache with radiation to B/L lower limbs, progressive areflexic tetraparesis, distal-onset paraesthesia, dysphagia, respiratory failure Oropharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, CSF-NA, CT chest—consolidation NA Mechanical ventilation/died
Miller-Fisher syndrome
  Reyes-Bueno et al./June 2020 [62] 51/F Diarrhoea, odynophagia, cough 10 days Quadriparesis, left lateral rectus palsy, bifacial palsy, dysautonomia CSF-albumin-cytological dissociation Demyelinating neuropathy IVIG/improving
  Fernández-Domínguez et al./May 2020 [63] 74/F Fever, URTI 12–15 days Progressive gait impairment, areflexia, blurring of vision Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, CSF-albumin-cells diss., negative SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Slight F-wave delay in upper limbs IVIG/improved
  Lantos et al./May 2020 [64] 36/M Fever, chills, myalgia 4 days Left eyelid drooping, blurry vision, paraesthesia in both legs, left CN 3 palsy, B/L 6th CN palsy, ataxia, hyporeflexia Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, MRI—enlargement with contrast enhancement of left occulomotor nerve NA IVIG, HCQ/improved
  Gutiérrez-Ortiz et al./April 2020 [65] 50/M Fever, headache, cough, malaise 5 days Anosmia, ageusia, right internuclear ophthalmoparesis, right fascicular oculomotor palsy, ataxia, areflexia Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 positive, CSF-albumin-cells diss., negative SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR NA IVIG/improved
39/M Fever, diarrhoea 3 days Ageusia, B/L abducens palsy, areflexia Nasopharyngeal swab for RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive, CSF-albumin-cells diss., negative SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR NA Acetaminophen/improved

AIDP acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, AMAN acute motor-axonal neuropathy, AMSAN acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, EMG electromyography, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, HCQ hydroxychloroquine, IgG immunoglobulin G, IgM immunoglobulin M, IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin, NA not available, RT-PCR reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, URTI upper respiratory tract infection