Fig. 5. FAPs are the main source of Wnt ligands in the muscle stem cell niche.
a t-SNE map of cell populations identified upon combining single-cell RNA sequencing experiments from Giordani et al. with those of Tabula Muris consortium. Data processing yielded nine clusters that were assigned to specific cell populations on the basis of their expression profiles. b t-SNE maps showing the expression of WNT ligands at single-cell resolution. c t-SNE maps showing the expression of canonical and noncanonical WNT receptors at single-cell resolution. d Heatmap representing the relative abundance of specific WNT ligands and receptor transcripts RNA in each cell population. e Chord diagram representing the relations between WNT ligands and their receptors as stored in the SIGNOR database. The relations for WNT11, WNT2, and WNT5a are highlighted in blue, green, and red, respectively. f Network describing the interaction between WNTs (red) with their receptors (blue) in FAPs. Node sizes are proportional to the transcript expression levels while edge thickness is related to the SIGNOR confidence score for the reported interaction.