Fig. 3.
Cell type–specific expression of laminin isoforms in ovarian cortex. Cell type–specific laminin expression was evaluated using our single-cell RNA-sequencing data set of human ovarian cortex. a Relative expression of the 12 laminin genes in individual oocytes, immune cells, granulosa cells, endothelial cells, perivascular cells, and stromal cells is shown as swarm plots where median is marked with horizontal red lines. The numbers above the plots indicate the percentage of cells expressing the laminin isoform in each cluster in the full set of 12,160 cells, whereas the swarm plots show the expression in those 6514 cells that express any laminin. b The proportion (%) of cells within each cell type expressing a certain laminin gene. The majority of cells in ovarian cortex are stromal cells and blood vessel cells. The most commonly expressed α-isoform in blood vessels was LAMA5, β-chain was mainly expressed from LAMB2, and γ-chain from LAMC1. In stromal cells, LAMA2, LAMB2, and LAMC1 were most commonly expressed. c Co-expression of laminin genes in cells. The fraction of cells (y-axis) expressing 1–7 different laminin genes (x-axis) is shown by cell type. Approximately 30% of the cells in each cluster expressed only one laminin gene, 7–26% of the cells co-expressed two laminins, and 4–16% co-expressed three laminins. Most common co-expression profiles are shown in Online Resources Data 2